I've seen it somewhere on here that Greg said that B2 should make your urine bright green. When I read that I thought he must be colour blind because it's flourescent yellow.
I thought that if you need B2 - no colour change.
If you don't need it - flourescent yellow.
After better success in iodine, selenium and molybdenum supplementation, along with B2, my urine has changed from flourescent yellow when taking B2, to a bright green.
This is alongside a significant improvement in fatigue. Significant!
So, perhaps riboflavin gets excreted in vast quantities if not converted to FMN and FAD right away? And perhaps it's only inactive riboflavin that excretes this colour?
Or it's a CFS trick that makes you feel particularly silly at how you were correlating your piss with your health when you crash again.
I thought that if you need B2 - no colour change.
If you don't need it - flourescent yellow.
After better success in iodine, selenium and molybdenum supplementation, along with B2, my urine has changed from flourescent yellow when taking B2, to a bright green.
This is alongside a significant improvement in fatigue. Significant!
So, perhaps riboflavin gets excreted in vast quantities if not converted to FMN and FAD right away? And perhaps it's only inactive riboflavin that excretes this colour?
Or it's a CFS trick that makes you feel particularly silly at how you were correlating your piss with your health when you crash again.