

Senior Member
I know there is a very long thread on B12. I am working through it and am TOTALLY confused. Forgive me, but I've only been on the board a few days. Because I cannot absorb ANY kind of B12 due to the surgery I had on my small intestine (I do not have intrinsic factor that makes this possible) I get the cyna B12. Until last year I got two injections a month, but last year a nasal spray that is covered by my insurance was available so I have been using more than the prescribed amount. The only thing I can say is I never had the cognitive problems others with CFS do. This could be a coincidence, because I was starting to get neuro problems before the shots: I failed the tuning fork test. I will be reading about B12 but doubt I can absorb the sublinguals of other types.


Senior Member
To andreamarie re: sublingual B12

Hi, andreamarie.

Welcome to the forum.

Just want to let you know that the intrinsic factor mechanism is not used for sublingual B12, so you should be able to absorb it alright.

Best regards,



Senior Member
According to pharmacist, who's my friend, I'm better off with nasal spray because we are sure I'm absorbing it. There's only a couple studies that show sublingual works without intrinsic factor. The nasal spray is very expensive but my insurance covers it. I use much more of it than prescribed. I might add the sublingual but want to investigate dosage.