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B12 Has It Helped?

If You Have Tried B12 Has It Helped?

  • No Difference in health on B12

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Minor Improvement

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Moderate Improvement

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Major Improvement

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters
Chelmsford, England
Watching an excellent video presentation online by Dr Bell recently he mentioned that b12 has helped his patients by up to 30% so I decided to try it. I purchased some from Prohealth and the difference has been incredible. My energy levels are improved and my sleep has really changed and I am actually having some which is decent quality.I am quite concerned about the doses being so high that he advises, but the improvement in my quality of life is just amazing. Has anyone else got similar results and what doses do you take?


Senior Member
A high dose of B12 (30mg/day) gave me moderate improvements in NMH that I didn't see when doing 2mg/day. But the 2mg/day dose was enough to help a lot with the muscle pain.


Senior Member
High doses have helped me, especially with brain fog and energy levels I believe.
I picked moderate improvement.


Fine, thank you
Hi Machair - there are two massive threads on b12 protocols that you might want to look at:



In the first, richvank describes a protocol with relatively low doses of b12 and in the second, Freddd describes a protocol with much higher doses (and thus includes the need to make sure you get enough potassium, lack of which can be fatal - the need for potassium can be greatly increased with the kind of b12 doses that Freddd uses).

Like you, I've had boost from b12 but then crashed, probably to getting short not just of potassium but also magnesium. I hope to start again when I've got those sorted out. I'm glad you've also had good results so far.


Senior Member
Hi, all.

I would just like to note that the key to getting longer-term benefit from B12, in addition to using the right form (or forms), route and dosage is to combine it with taking an active form (or forms) of folate. This combination has the potential to lift the partial methylation cycle block, which B12 alone does not seem to be able to do in ME/CFS. The enzyme that is partially blocked in most cases of ME/CFS is methionine synthase. This enzyme needs both B12 and folate, and both are low in ME/CFS. The B12 is low because of glutathione depletion, and the folate is low because of the methyl trap mechanism, which drains it from the cells when the B12 functional deficiency develops.

Some additional supportive nutrients are often needed as well, but using these two together is the real breakthrough that was first made in autism, and also applies to ME/CFS.

This type of treatment is discussed on the two threads to which Sasha referred.

Best regards,
