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August 8th, 2017 - Understanding & Remembrance Day for Severe M.E.

Helen B 25%

25% ME Group now have two items on website to mark this year's Understanding & Remembrance Day, which will be next Tuesday.

The theme this year is "Your illness does not define you ...." and we pay tribute to our members - I expect though that every one of us can think of someone to nominate as a 'lady from hell' (curious? it's a 1st world war analogy - find out more at link below).

We also highlight the Silence Challenge - a resourceful person with severe ME's initiative to raise both funds and awareness: https://www.facebook.com/silencechallengeforsevereme/

Read more at: http://www.25megroup.org/campaigning_Severe_ME_Day.html
(PDF files on both of the above available for download)

Feedback welcome.

best regards,

Helen B
on behalf of 25% ME Group