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ASSSEM need 18,000 Euros to publish biomarker study


Fine, thank you
Oh! Magical translation:

ASSSEM said:
These years of experience have shown us that there are really significant immuno-infectious differences in what has been described as a biomarker/s, which could serve to improve diagnosis, disease recognition and developments in new treatments.

Having a team physician and researcher and an essential biomedical structure, and the selfless support and our perseverance have resulted in power finally obtain the necessary permits to begin once our investigations with full guarantees and the intention to publish the results.

We will need however, repeat again analytics, which incorporate new lymphocyte subpopulations based on our experience and current, "know-how" ever carried out in affected ME / CFS. Participants will be recruited from among those who have already participated in the early stages and were doubly diagnosed by our team as Canadians mark the criteria and / or new patients and an equal number of healthy controls.

We will be putting contact them gradually. The analytical will be held in Barcelona and the results will be guarded within the scope of the study by the medical team according to mark the law in these cases.

It is anticipated start new extractions February or March 2016 and give us a period of 8 months to 1 year for study completion and publication.

We leave the memory so that you may be able to take a look if you want to dig a little deeper. Download PDF need € 18,000 the total 36,000 € 18,000 € we have them already (an important part, raised € 12,000 a few months ago and finally not used, ASSSEM donating € 4,000 and € 2,000 over that obtained by the lottery and prize donations possible ...) and we will need to raise € 18,000 to reach our goal to have 100 patients and 100 controls.

We ask that you please let us strive together with video broadcasting and promote this initiative to reach the planned amount or more, since the greater the impact will show more results.

The term we give to the collection of this € 18,000 it is 2 months from today January 24, 2016 until March 24, 2016 and on time on a weekly basis ( Monday) we will publish the amounts reached by a marker on this platform.

The form of making contributions will be either by Paypal through this blog (DONATE top right) button or web ASSSEMBiomédics, or by transfer or income realized ASSSEM:

Concept: Biomarkers
Entity: BBVA
IBAN: ES0901828732100201553888

greatly thank you for the provided collaboration and enthusiasm in this project more alive than ever! José Luis Rivas Study Coordinator and all equipment physician and researcher involved. - asssem.org

Never Give Up

Collecting improvements, until there's a cure.
Is this the same group that a Spanish medical student/PWME told us about a year to a year and a half ago? They were looking for funds to continue research on B cell irregularities they'd found.

Never Give Up

Collecting improvements, until there's a cure.


Senior Member
England (south coast)
My understanding is that ASSSEM is a patient-led organisation that (amongst other activities) has raised funds for IrsiCaixa to carry out research into ME/CFS. IrsiCaixa is an HIV/AIDS research institute and seems to be a highly respected institute, as far as my limited insight goes, and I have no reason to doubt the integrity of either of the organisations. One of ASSSEM's supporters uses this forum and has given me no reason to doubt his sincerity.

I was disappointed that they have not published their recent results, but that seems to a problem with restricted funds that hasn't allowed them to carry out a comprehensive research study.

The comment quoted above is the type of comment we regularly see from members of the patient community who don't agree with a specific line of investigation or a specific hypothesis. So I'd take it with a pinch of salt.

But everyone should be content that they are donating to a trusted organisation if making donations, and they should be content that they know how their donation will be used.

I believe that Dr Julian Blanco led the previous research project, and I believe he presented at the recent Invest in ME conference, and attended the symposium. I think Dr Jonathan Edwards has swapped notes with him.

Note that I might have some details wrong - I'm going from memory - and it's difficult to understand all the details when always relying on translations and limited info.
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I live in Barcelona - where the study is being run. It is the same study that they were raising money for last year. Somewhere on their website is says 12k already raised last year + 18k now needed. Not sure what they have been doing for the last year exactly....no explanation given apart from they have got approval/certificate from some authority to go ahead with the study. I asked if they are a charity on their website the other week, they said no, they are a not-for-profit organisation.
Would be better to let the spanish nationals or residents like me to donate - we receive 75% rebate on donations upto 150€ per year.


Senior Member
Update (from their website): http://www.asssem.org/ They seem to have come up with the money somehow.
Asssem via google translate said:
Finally we could count on 76 patients vs 73 healthy controls. Now the phase of statistical reanalysis of the data and confrontation with different clinical profiles of participants begins. This phase will be led by immunologist Dr. Milagros Garcia and has the support team Biomedics among others. We hope to be able to announce soon the preliminary results undoubtedly promising to improve diagnosis and future treatment. Thanks to those who have participated, patients or controls that have helped us financially or simply giving support.

José Luis Rivas study coordinator.