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Article: Even a 1% Change Makes a Difference (Ampligen Chronicles Trt #11)

Kelvin,Enjoy reading your posts- I tried ampligen, unfortunately with poor results, and am wishing you the best.A quick note on House. I started watching House a couple of years into the show, so when a repeat of the pilot episode came on, I set my DVR. House is seeing a patient in the clinic who complains of vague symptoms, and thinks he may have CFS. (he may have also mentioned fibromyalgia, but I forget) House rolls his eyes and gives hims some pills. Fast forward to the end of the episode and the patient returns, tells House he is feeling better, and asks for a refill of the prescription. House walks to the pharmacy and fills a bottle of pills with mints (or some kind of candy- and obvious placebo). Wow-- it was really bad. Soured me on House for a while, but I have to admit I still tune in because I like the Hugh Laurie. THough as a doctor, House would not merit a second visit from me...continued success with your treatment,JAH