Anyone tried microdosing psychadelics?


Senior Member
I was about to post the same question. :)

I took my first microdose of psilocybin (magic truffel) 1 gram last friday.
As expected 1 gram was a bit too much for me, i felt quite high for a few hours. At first i noticed feeling really calm, then a short while later a sense of happyness came over me, probably because of the serotonergic effect.
Concentrating was really difficult so i was unable to do much that day. The effect lingered for 8 hours or so.
The next morning i felt a bit anxious (i always do) but clear minded, i was able to prioritize things better.
Today i'm back to my depressed, anxious normal.

SSRI's, benzodiazepines etc. have only caused damage to my nervous system. That's why i'm looking into alternative treatments. First i want to experiment with psilocybin, if that doesn't pan out then there are lots of other things to try.
Microdose LSD, ketamine, THC oil from an indica-dominant specie, kratom etc.
Some say conservative treatment with SSRI's etc. will be replaced by psychadelics wthin 5 years.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
SSRI's, benzodiazepines etc. have only caused damage to my nervous system.
They're absolutely deadly options, and made worse by the fact that initially they seem to be working, before they start tearing up the walls and flooring in your brain and CNS and hanging up their own wallpaper and family photos, and settling in for a long, destructive, stay ....

Getting off them is agonizing, and made even more difficult by the fact that the very Drs who prescribe them want absolutely nothing to do with tapering you off them, which is a very very EXTREMELY long and difficult undertaking that most Drs just have no time for ....

I know that there are some people who are helped by them, long term, and I'm truly happy for them.

But they're in that small percentage that, for whatever reason (and no one's been able to pin down why, exactly) seem to be able to cycle on and off them with very little ill effect.
Some say conservative treatment with SSRI's etc. will be replaced by psychadelics wthin 5 years.
I wish I could believe that. You'd think that would be a certainty, given the remarkable amount of both anecdotal and disciplined research that has shown micro-dosing with a large variety of psychedelics is not only more effective and more long-lasting than the usual crap, but also virtually without side-effects or long-lasting damage.

Not something you can say for the currently prescribed alternatives.

BigPharm was a mortmain grip on Drs, universities, research labs, private practices, research publications, and a depressingly large percent of the public's perception, and considering the MASSIVE income stream they get from prescription anti-d's, anti-psychotics, anti-anxiety, anti-seizure, and sleeping meds, they wont be letting go of that any time soon.

But we can hold a good thought.

EDTIT .... I'm so flucking sick of correcting typos ....
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Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
THC oil from an indica-dominant specie

Im curious why you say that? I’ve tried things several times over a decade. It never works for me. I think I’ve had both indica and sativa, but never took notes. It’s hard to get organic here, so I gave it up completely a year ago. I’ve thought about growing so it’s organic, but how to pick seeds? What does indica do for you?


Senior Member
They're absolutely deadly options, and made worse by the fact that initially they seem to be working, before they start tearing up the walls and flooring in your brain and CNS and hanging up their own wallpaper and faily photos, and settling in for a long, destructive, stay ....

Getting off them is agonizing, and made even more difficult by the fact that the very Drs who prescribe them want absolutely nothing to do with tapering you off them, which is a very very EXTREMELY long and difficult undertaking that most Drs just have no time for ....

I've written about my dreadful withdrawal experience a few times on this forum. It has been an absolute horror and i'm still experiencing post-withdrawal symptoms 5 years after my last dose... My nervous system is in an ever elevated status. I can't explain in words how agonizing the whole experience has been.
If anyone is considering taking a benzodiazepine, please don't! Go to and read the tens of thousands horrifying stories from benzo-victims. It really is not worth the risk.

BigPharm was a mortmain grip on Drs, universities, research labs, private practices, research publications, and a depressingly large percent of the public's perception, and considering the MASSIVE income stream they get from prescription anti-d's, anti-psychotics, anti-anxiety, anti-seizure, and sleeping meds, they wont be letting go of that any time soon.

Yeah i wrote something like that in my post, don't know want went wrong.
Big pharma will be fighting the development of these treatments, like they always have.
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Senior Member
Im curious why you say that? I’ve tried things several times over a decade. It never works for me. I think I’ve had both indica and sativa, but never took notes. It’s hard to get organic here, so I gave it up completely a year ago. I’ve thought about growing so it’s organic, but how to pick seeds? What does indica do for you?

Sorry to hear it has not worked out for you.
Certain (not all) indica-dominant strains calm my nervous system. Sativa on the other hand quickly make me feel anxious and paranoid.
Moroccan hash also reduces my anxiety quite effectively.
I notice a profound anti-inflammatory effect from THC, especially on the lungs. Or perhaps it's caused by other compounds? I don't have enough experience to say for sure.

For seeds there's a lot of info available online. I don't grow it myself, but i'm planning to. I'm looking for a grow-box or cabinet or how it's called with a built-in air-filtration system.


Senior Member
I am interested in microdosing too but I feel anxious about it.

@Thinktank Did you take 1 gram of dried mushroom? It seems a lot. From what I’ve been reading the microdose is between 50mg and 150mg

“For example, a typical dose of mushrooms is one to one and a half grams. A microdose would be anywhere from 50 to 150 milligrams.”

in Canada, although it is still illegal it has been somewhat decriminalized and there are websites that seem fairly legit you can order from, still not quite sure I trust them though. It would be so good to get it on prescription under the supervision of someone in the know.


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
I notice a profound anti-inflammatory effect from THC,

I agree that what ever I use must have THC. I hate the high, but CBD only does nothing. Have you found a website that looks at strains from a more medical perspective? I’ve never noticed anxiety or paranoia, but I get extremely cold and my legs truly turn to jello. I have to crawl to the bathroom. And heart palpitations, but that could be from pesticides.

@xebex Do you have any friends that are into the foraging scene? Maybe someone could bring you some mushrooms to dry and try.


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
I had never heard of truffles with that purpose. Found something interesting

Some non-psychoactive truffles are a culinary delicacy: but the few species that are actually tasty are also very hard to farm, and have to be searched for in the wild. Often pigs or dogs are used to sniff them out, and a large truffle can sell for thousands of dollars.

Psychedelic truffles are easier to grow and harvest than culinary truffles. Unlike culinary truffles, which are delicate and require very specific environmental conditions to grow, psychedelic truffles can be farmed and harvested in artificial environments.


Senior Member

I have come across a website / database with detailed information on each strain but unfortunately i can't find it in my favorites right now.
CBD doesn't do much for me either, i think i even feel more inflamed when consuming CBD oil. Weird.


Microdose LSD, ketamine, THC oil from an indica-dominant specie, kratom

I tried All of these. Best experience with LSD and Ketamin.
It blows the Depression and Pain away, gives you some Energy.

The greatest effect had Ketamin. Great Anti Fatigue effect based on science :

Those were the best 2h hours of my Life since ages, but its temporary and not a solution. You can make this 3-4 Times a year in my opinion.


Senior Member
@Strawberry I have some people I know of who grow culinary mushrooms, I actually buy their beautiful blue oysters, but not psychedelics.

there is a clinic in Vancouver who do LSD therapy for people with cancer or PTSD, I don’t have either but I do wonder if they’d make an exception. I did an LSD trip 20years ago and it was profound and I felt amazing for 3 months (preillness though) I’m not sure I’m emotionally strong enough to do it in my own now though.


Senior Member
If anyone is considering taking a benzodiazepine, please don't!
I second this. I had a really nightmarish experience with them. I was at first taking them as needed but the psychiatrist told me I needed to take it everyday. I will never listen to a doctor without doing a ton of research ever again. I got hooked on klonopin for 6 years. I finally tapered off for 6 months and am still experiencing withdrawal issues after a year.


Senior Member
As it turns out, most psychedelics have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. This is a pretty good literature review on the subject. Long story short, activation of the 5-HT2A serotonin receptor by psychedelics in a functionally selective manner blocks the effects of TNF-alpha, reducing the gene expression of IL-6, IL-1beta, and others important to inflammatory processes. Some psychedelics may have other mechanisms which peripherally reduce inflammation - for instance, in addition to its serotonergic effects, LSD is a dopamine agonist, which has some overlap with drugs like pramipexole which have been used to treat fibromyalgia, and Abilify (aripiprazole), which has been used for ME/CFS.

One interesting thing noted in the literature review is that the phenethylamine psychedelic DOI (2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine) had anti-inflammatory effects that were an order of magnitude more potent than the other psychedelics tested. Perhaps microdosing DOI would be ideal for producing therapeutic effects without an actual trip. However, DOI would probably be very difficult for the layperson to acquire compared to more popular psychedelics like LSD or psilocybin mushrooms.

Back in the day, I used to do psychedelics quite often, and I felt like they've had a net positive effect on my life, especially my life philosophy or mindset. Sometimes I wonder if I might have gotten ME/CFS or autoimmune SFN sooner had I not done taken these drugs. I stopped using them regularly a couple years before my ME/CFS onset, because their gastrointestinal side effects really made it difficult to enjoy or make use of the trip (at the time my IBS was worsening dramatically). Unfortunately, I feel like my ME/CFS and GI problems are too severe currently to realistically try psychedelics, even microdosing.

Even in mild or moderate ME/CFS, I would worry that using psychedelics would provoke an episode of PEM. In my experience, microdosing LSD was very mentally stimulating, akin to taking a small dose of amphetamine but with fewer physical side effects. Mental stimulation can be fatiguing, and it's not so easy to 'stop' drug-induced mental stimulation the way you can turn off an exciting movie. At the very least, it would be wise to have some kind of sedative on hand in case PEM started to occur. A single dose of benzodiazepine would probably work okay for this purpose. I've read trazodone is excellent at 'killing' a trip, since it is a 5-HT2A antagonist, but even though I take trazodone these days, I've never had a chance to use it to end a trip.


Senior Member
I agree that what ever I use must have THC. I hate the high, but CBD only does nothing. Have you found a website that looks at strains from a more medical perspective? I’ve never noticed anxiety or paranoia, but I get extremely cold and my legs truly turn to jello. I have to crawl to the bathroom. And heart palpitations, but that could be from pesticides.

If normal (delta-9) THC has too many side-effects to be worthwhile, perhaps you could try delta-8-THC. This isomer of THC is produced synthetically from CBD, and has a moderately different spectrum of effects. It's also completely legal in the USA due to a loophole in the cannabinoid drug laws, so you can easily buy it online if you live here (just make sure that the vendor provides a certificate of analysis from a reputable third-party testing facility). I tried some delta-8-THC myself in a vape cartridge, and it definitely feels similar to delta-9-THC, though less potent, less psychoactive, and with somewhat fewer side effects. I never really got much of a therapeutic effect from any cannabinoids for my ME/CFS, though.

Also, for what it's worth, cannabis can absolutely cause heart palpitations without being laced with pesticides. This sort of falls in line with it causing mild hypotension and anxiety, which are both predisposing factors for heart palpitations.

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Yeah i wrote something like that in my post, don't know want went wrong.

BigPharm was a mortmain grip on Drs, universities, research labs, private practices, research publications, and a depressingly large percent of the public's perception, and considering the MASSIVE income stream they get from prescription anti-d's, anti-psychotics, anti-anxiety, anti-seizure, and sleeping meds, they wont be letting go of that any time soon.
I've posted a version of this in so many threads I've lost track. I lost a very dear old friend to grotesquely reckless, thoughtless, irresponsibly prescribed benzo medications, including Klonopin, Ativan, Xanax, among a raft of others, and I've had my own little brushes with Drs like that as well ....

Hope you're doing better a little at a time. It's an unabridged nightmare once you drift into PAWS .... my heart goes out to you ....

EDIT .... for usual typos and adding clarity. Like I hvae any to spare ....
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