Here is a thread that includes a great deal of information about this topic.
I will be happy to address any questions that people have in as much detail as they like. The questions here are discussed on the thread, as a starting point.
Erik Johnson is a member of the original Incline Village cohort. This is the one that Judy Mikovits and the WPI included in their XMRV paper in Science. He was repeatedly and extensively tested by Dr. Peterson and Dr. Cheney, who stated repeatedly that he had the same disease as the other members of the cohort. Byron Hyde agreed that these individuals had what previously was called M.E.
Insofar as CFS is what the people in Incline Village had, and what Judy Mikovits and the WPI have been studying, Erik has/had CFS. This does not seem to be a point that anyone who is knowledgeable about the disease has suggested is not the case.
My CFS was classic Canadian Criteria and increasingly severe (low NKC function, low suppressors, high Rnase-L and LMW Rnase-L, high apoptosis, extremely high interferon alpha; HHV6 titres sufficient to qualify for Montoya’s study, reactivated EBV, CMV, mycoplasma, chlamydia pneumoniae, Lyme; exercise inability and post-exertional malaise; cognitive issues described in Osler’s Web; agitated exhaustion and sleep difficulties; need to stay within an “energy envelope”; a dozen food sensitivities; moderate MCS; various gut problems and pathogens; dysregulation of a variety of hormones; extreme die-off to doxycycline and to Famvir; huge detox reaction to the supplements on Rich’s methylation protocol; gradual-then-sudden onset apparently triggered by high stress level, a series of Hepatitis B vaccines, a head injury, a pregnancy/miscarriage and a bad flu; mostly disabled for 12 years, bedridden 18-22 hours a day for the last year).
Other people who clearly have had classic Canadian Criteria CFS also have recovered or experienced substantial improvements as a result of addressing mold/biotoxin issues.
Whether all CFSers have issues with regard to toxic mold/biotoxins, and whether they would benefit from addressing such issues, I cannot say for sure.
The idea that people who have recovered through this route had something other than CFS does not seem to me to be supportable though.
I read this board sporadically and don't always see every post on mold. If folks want me to look at a thread, please either pm me or send me an e-mail.
I'm glad to see interest in this topic.
Best, Lisa (slayadragon on ya-hoo)