I “talked” (wrote) about this topic recently with a friend who is as severe as I am.
Though he never was what Whitney calls “extremely severe”, he is besides Whitney the one I know who understands best what PEM can really mean.
When I was moderate, even now when I am very severe, PEM is already a nightmare. But the worse you become the more terrible and unbearable it becomes.
And then there is also a tipping point. A point where this permanent PEM doesn't end. I had this in April this year after two emergency hospital stays and for 6 months in 2018. Every single second feels like dying. Not horrible suffering. Dying. And it goes so far that I prayed to God - I'm an atheist though - that he just takes my life to end this. Every second I wish that it just happens. And I was ready to do this.
My friend said: if you have never been very severe you will never relate how terrible this illness really is. Both he and me went through mild-moderate-severe-very severe...and me even beyond.
It's like having completely another disease. A hell ride with no end in sight.
No phone. No communication. No touch.
It's inhuman.
And I had nothing that helped with it though my dear friend
@MichaelK tried so many things with the support of some heartwarming members of this board.
It's like Cort Johnson wrote:
We are failing people at the very severe end of this disease.
Yes, we do. I many ways.