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antivirals for back pain


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Have always thought that my back pain maybe related to ebv/cfs/me. ME means inflammation of brain and spinal cord. Have had a deep to the bone type pain in lower back for a week, then woke yesterday really sore with muscle spasms etc. Took all the pills, antiinflammatories, tramal etc for last week, not really helping, maybe taking the edge of it.

Anyway i have been off famvir for maybe 2 weeks while i was on an antibiotic, which also has helped cfs symptoms(think co-infection). Last night took a 500mg dose famvir and when woke at 3am took another 250mg dose famvir, i will be on famvir now for atleast 10 days 250mg am and pm. So now that Im awake at 630am my back pain has decreased alot, which i think is due to famvir. See how the day pans out with the back.

I know a few people with cfs have back pain and just thought i would share this experience. I would be interested if others have had similar experiences

cfs since 1998

Senior Member
It certainly makes sense to me. I often have back pain, but whenever I get a cold or the flu my back pain intensifies like 10 fold! (This did not happen before I had CFS).


All shall be well . . .
Santa Rosa, CA
back pain and herpes

I have a friend whose first sign of a herpes outbreak is back pain. This begins a couple of days before lesions appear. It took her a long time to make the connection. For her, the better she controls the outbreaks, the less back pain she has. A quick google search seems to show this connection. I would think other types of viral infections could cause or aggravate back pain, also.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
thanks for the replies guys, sort of know its not in my head now, funny thing is i had no other cfs symptoms other then my usual insomnia.


[banned as spam]
new york
Here are some natural remedies for back pain also.The most important home remedy for backache oil made from garlic. Two or three garlic cloves should be taken every morning. Garlic oil massaged on the back will give great relief. This garlic oil is prepared by frying ten cloves of garlic in 60 ml of oil(any of oil like mustard oil. sesame oil, and coconut oil) in a frying pan.

Avoid direct bending for picking any thing from the ground instead bend your knees and then pick up the object to save our spine from undue pressure.Always be careful on the surface you sleep as it can be the major cause of your back ache. Try to sleep on not very hard and not very cozy bed so that your spine does get proper rest.


Fine, thank you
I have a friend whose first sign of a herpes outbreak is back pain. This begins a couple of days before lesions appear. It took her a long time to make the connection. For her, the better she controls the outbreaks, the less back pain she has. A quick google search seems to show this connection. I would think other types of viral infections could cause or aggravate back pain, also.

This is fascinating to me! When I went into remission from my CFS and caught a bad cold, I had a pain in my spine that then spread out from there that I'd never had before. Then, every few weeks when I got another bug or went into a CFS flare up, the first sign would be that same pain. Now that I'm in a bad relapse that has lasted several years, I have the pain every day, though it's worse some times than others.

I've only lately been trying painkillers. Being in the UK, I've never been tested for all these viruses that people seem to get tested for in the States like HHV6 etc. and have never been put on antivirals. I didn't know antivirals existed til I read this thread! I wonder what I should be doing.