Annoying comments in Pocket Doc (UIC, Chicago) on CFS, Fibromyalgia, etc


Senior Member
(When talking about latex allergy)

Many of us were a little skeptical since there seemed to be a strong correlation between latex allergy and 1) fibromyalgia, 2) mitral valve prolapse, 3) chronic fatigue syndrome, and 4) environmental allergies to everything (especially mold). That's not to say these entities don't all exist (certainly there are experts who think they do), but certain kinds of temperaments (needy, whiny, depressed, and complaining constantly) are, let's just say, "over represented" in those groups. But I digress….. I can already see the complaints coming from the Fibromyalgia Association, Chronic Fatigue Support Group, and the like. In my defense, all I can claim is that I call 'em like I see 'em. This is just one guys experience and opinion.

Personally I think intelligent replies, ideally ones that quote research, could be useful. I know some people might disagree so I'm not going to defend the suggestion - have better things to do.

One can comment below or one can even send a letter to the editor - I think the latter would be better with at least reference of some sort


these poor people. from jihadist terrorists to whiny needy depressed compainers. Another incompetent who needs to use such false inflammatory language to get anyone to listen to and/or respond to them?

I don't want to give them a click so I don't know what the chicagoflame is. If I decide that I have any energy to try to deal with such a loser, I think my strategy will be, as tom recommends as well, to send a letter directly to the editor - and maybe the owner, and other high-ups - with a very concise, referenced letter deploring their sponsorship of such pejorative ideas.


Senior Member
For anyone else who doesn't want to click, here are a few details.

The author is a medical doctor.

Chicago Flame ... Serving the UIC Campus and neighbouring communities since 1988
The University of Illinois at Chicago, or UIC, is a state-funded public research university located in Chicago, Illinois, United States. It is the second member of the University of Illinois system and is the largest university in the Chicago area, serving approximately 26,000 students[3] within 15 colleges, including the nation's largest medical school, with research expenditures exceeding $340 million and consistently in the top 50 US institutions for research expenditures.[4]

The University of Illinois at Chicago has been able to forge a distinctive identity by establishing several noteworthy programs, and UIC has ranked within the 100 best universities in the world out of 500 institutions compared in the Academic Ranking of World Universities. UIC also plays a leadership role in Illinois healthcare, operating the state’s major public medical center and serves as the principal educator for Illinois’ physicians, dentists, pharmacists, nurses and other healthcare professionals.


Senior Member
Oh, If, don't click!

What a sad and sorry waste of space that is.


I have to go wash my eyes out!


Senior Member
TomK quoted Wikipedia:

The University of Illinois at Chicago, or UIC, is a state-funded public research university located in Chicago, Illinois, United States. It is the second member of the University of Illinois system and is the largest university in the Chicago area, serving approximately 26,000 students[3] within 15 colleges, including the nation's largest medical school, with research expenditures exceeding $340 million and consistently in the top 50 US institutions for research expenditures.[4]

This explains so much!