Question Everything! Think for yourself, be grateful a new door was opened
I may miss the mark here but I went and looked up all the medical terms cited in the video to see what the symptoms were and if they matched the current ME/CFS symptoms. From all that I read from different medical sources, those different names/nomenclatures did match up with ME/CFS symptoms. Were they ME/CFS and/or Retrovirus involved? Who knows but they did occur in clusters and the symptoms seemed to fit pretty tightly. But again, we don't know since those clusters were long ago when medicine was still quite young and the more sophisticated tests that we have now - such as they are - were not yet developed. Probably the doctors back then did what they are still doing now - ruling out the usual suspects and looking at the symptoms and then naming the cluster outbreaks based on those symptoms and/or location of the cluster.
Of course people will question this video and whether the cluster outbreaks were indeed ME/CFS/Retrovirus in origin. I did. Because we still do not have a solid means to test and diagnose ME/CFS other than rule out/look at symptoms, it is impossible to state definitively that the cluster outbreaks of decades ago were ME/CFS. Not much change in the medical arena for diagnosing ME/CFS. But given the same ME/CFS symptoms in those cluster outbreaks as we see today, I believe that those cluster outbreaks were ME/CFS or possibly a mutation of what ever causes ME/CFS - or a mutation in the Retrovirus(es) that we now believe probably causes ME/CFS.
We have imperfect information on all of this including today's Retrovirus family. So question away. You should not just swallow anything without going and researching and thinking for yourself.
Now, in your own research if you come across books, journals, newspaper articles or even doctor's notes placed in some obscure archive, alert us. I have looked for all of those and could not find them.
At this point, with very imperfect information, I do believe many of those clusters were probably ME/CFS. At this particular point in time - with imperfect information - I do believe that our disease may be caused in whole or in part by this Retrovirus Family. But who knows on either account given that damned imperfect information thing that always changes what we think we know- including ideas that were deemed absolute - like in physics or other hard sciences.
Let everyone question. Let them research and wonder and think. That's GOOD. That is what we want them all to do. Alert them, provide them the observations of that period, and let them go off with something brand new to them. The video basically throws the door open to a new world for many people, including the researchers and physicians who are not aware that there may have been many cluster outbreaks that fit today's ME/CFS symptoms.
I really don't think ME/CFS only started in the 1970's/1980's. I think this may well be an old disease and that this retrovirus family has been around (in different forms) for quite a long time. But that's just my opinion and since NO ONE knows for sure, my opinion is as valid as the next person's opinion - at this point anyway.
When I graduated college, I was handed a button that said "Question Authority". I've been questioning authority since I could open my nasty little mouth so the button just went into the drawer. So, question authority - question everything. And don't let others tell you what to think. Go off and research, wonder, think and draw your own conclusions. Remember, your conclusions will probably change over time with better information, still imperfect, but better. Thats the way it works, or should work anyway.