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Activity scale


Senior Member
If you go to edit your personal details the scale is listed:

0 - Bedridden constantly
1 - Mostly bedridden
2 - leave house once a week, concentrate 1/hour a day
3 - leave house several times/week, two hours work/activity at home a day
4 - 3 to 4 hours of work/activity a day
5 - four to five hours/activity a day
6 - six to seven hours/activity a day
7 - able to work full-time but with difficulty
8 - near-normal activity level but still symptomatic
9 - normal activity level, mild symptoms
10- fully recovered


Senior Member
Bit of an odd jump 3 to 4; ie why the inclusion 'leave the house several times...' ?


Senior Member
what if you have to spend twelve hours out of every twenty four in bed to keep your pain and other symptoms down to more bearable levels. and yet manage to go out once a week for about 90 minutes which can take 3 4 days to recover from . i think it is probably impossible to have a true scale of measurement for activity in this disease. and it would be a pain to keep changing it as symptoms fluctuate


Senior Member
Bit of an odd jump 3 to 4; ie why the inclusion 'leave the house several times...' ?
I agree. Leaving home is more a social measure than a health measure. Some people will do anything to get out of the house once in a while even if they are very ill, while others are content to stay home. Also, people who have social and physical support to drive, push wheelchairs, and the like are more likely to get out of the house than those with no social support, regardless of severity level. There were years that I got out of the house a couple times a week because I lived with family members who could help. Since I could neither drive nor walk more than 10 yards at the time, if I had been living alone I'd have been completely housebound.

IMO, there's no such thing as a GOOD activity scale. There are too many variables. Some scales are better than others, but no simple scale can capture our experience.