4th dose of Moderna has done damage. Will it go away ?


Senior Member

I don’t write as much as before but I still come to read sometimes. 10 days ago I had my 4th dose of the Moderna vaccine and since then, I’ve been having more PEM, more often. My symptoms in general have increased and I feel more ill.

I‘m starting to really regret doing it and I am scared this won’t get better. All three doses before were okay. The first time I recovered in 4-5 days, the other two doses I barely felt anything except soreness at the sight of injection.

Has anyone gone through this and did it get better ? Do you have any advice to help me get past this ?

Thank you !


Senior Member
I had mixed reactions to the three jabs I received. First one was hard, second easy-peasy, third left me struggling for four months, though I am back to my baseline now. In other words, I worried, as you do @Dechi, that I had dropped a few levels permanently. POTS flared wildly. But slowly and surely, things got better.

I was reading a bunch of other people's (with ME and dysautonomia) experiences with the vaccines the other day and was surprised to learn that mine was not way out there. Many others have had long recoveries. Which I guess can be hopeful? I did not read of anyone who failed to bounce back, albeit slower than they would have wanted to.

Hope that will be the case for you too. Be as patient as you can.....:hug:


Senior Member
To be honest I'd wait 2 months. That's how long it took me to return to baseline after each az vaccine.
Thanks, I’ll be patient then.

Good to see you BTW, been a while.
Good to see you too ! I’ll try to catch up. :)

In other words, I worried, as you do @Dechi, that I had dropped a few levels permanently. POTS flared wildly. But slowly and surely, things got better.

I did not read of anyone who failed to bounce back, albeit slower than they would have wanted to.

That is very good news, thanks !

I wish @Cort would do a poll on the 2nd booster
That would be very interesting to read, and probably reassure people too.

I feel more encouraged and optimistic after reading you all. Thank you so much !