2 Doctors taking ARVs for CFS


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Article about two doctors that are taking ARV's with some success. One doc is Jamie Deckoff-jones the other is new to me, Dr. Snyderman.


[I]Dr. Snyderman is an oncologist, a cancer specialist, who himself developed a rare cancer that is not that uncommon in CFS patients. He started treatment with AZT and Isentress at HIV doses. He reported that he felt 25% better after 3 weeks. In the 6th month of treatment he added Viread, also at the HIV dosage. At a medical conference he presented a poster detailing his tests, treatment and outcome.

His poster indicates that he no longer tests positive for the XMRV retrovirus and the markers for his cancer have improved

Also an interesting note at the bottom of the article [I]"Dr. Mikovits is scheduled to report on similar ARV drug treatments by other physicians on January 17, 2011."[/I]

is she scheduled to speak on jan 17th? Anyone know where?
Monday January 17, 2011:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the XMRV Retrovirus and Human MLV-related Viruses
Gordon Medical Research Is Proud to Host
Dr. Judy Mikovits, PhD
Co-author of the seminal 2009 paper "Detection of an Infectious Retrovirus, XMRV, in Blood of Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome"

Speaking on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the XMRV Retrovirus and Human MLV-related Viruses
How they relate to chronic inflammatory neuroimmune diseases, including CFS, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, chronic Lyme disease, and cancer..

This event is fragrance free
Please do not wear scented products to the event

Dates/Times: Monday January 17, 2011
2:00-3:30 PM
Location:The Friedman Event Center
4676 Mayette Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
Cost: Free of charge to the public
Tax deductible contributions to the Whittemore Peterson Institute gratefully accepted.


Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
I don't have MCS (not severely anyway), but that is a great idea to put the seminar requirement about fragrances. I unintentionally wore a pea size amount of lotion to a doctors appointment once. They caught me as soon as I walked up to the counter to check-in, but thankfully there was no more MCS patients coming in that afternoon.

This should be a very interesting seminar. Do we have anyone going?


XMRV - L'Agent du Jour
'Fragrance free' - what a great idea. I almost passed out early one morning when a ward Sister (nurse) in hospital came in wearing perfume. And that was when I was young, healthy and working! Perfume is a potential lethal weapon and this one could stun the nervous system at 100 yards - no kidding.

Thanks for posting this seminar info Special K.