10 age spots appeared overnight


Senior Member
I started taking high dose vitamin D and they have appeared mostly on my legs. I am very aware of my body and see changes when they occur and I never had these before. I think perhaps they were already there but dead skin was covering it which got off thanks to vitamin D. I dont mind them im just curious to why it happened
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Senior Member
I started taking high dose vitamin D and they have appeared mostly on my legs. I am very aware of my body and see changes when they occur and I never had these before. I think perhaps they were already there but dead skin was covering it which got off thanks to vitamin D.

What makes you think there is a connection between the Vitamin D and the age spots? Unless you are talking about a high dose of vitamin D via the SUN.


Senior Member
What makes you think there is a connection between the Vitamin D and the age spots? Unless you are talking about a high dose of vitamin D via the SUN.
I don't know I am bringing it up as a possibility since that's the only change.


Senior Member
My vote is a "correlation does not mean causation" on this one.
What dosage of vitamin are you taking?


Senior Member
I said it as my opinion.
There is no reason, in my opinion, that spots on your skin would be from vitamin D, unless it was vitamin D from the sun or a tanning bed or other UV radiation. Especially if you are not having the known side effects from high doses of vitamin D.

Out of curiosity, why are you taking so much? Do you have a respiratory illness right now?


Senior Member
I don't know if high doses of supplements cause age spots, but certainly some of us are just better at accumulating them. I'm not even a sun worshipper, but do have them on my body....but I'm very fair and this is part of the aging process. Yes, you can buy make-up to cover them, so if they really bother you, then perhaps that would help.

The sun is good....but too much is too much of a good thing. Witness sunburn. Yours, Lenora