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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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sympathetic nervous system

  1. SpinachHands

    What kind of doctor could help with nervous system disorder?

    My partner had a reaction to LDN that has caused their nervous system to go into overdrive. They're swinging between an overactive sympathetic nervous system and overactive parasympathetic. It's crashing them more and they don't seem to be improving. They were already fully bedbound and very...
  2. Hip

    POLL: Do you sweat a lot from a 20 minute walk? Linked to overactive sympathetic nerves, and in turn, reduced Th1 antiviral immune responses

    This poll investigates how easily ME/CFS patients sweat after a walk. The answer may relate to a patient's sympathetic nervous system activity, as well as to their immune system competence. This poll is for ME/CFS patients who are able to do 20 or 30 minute walks at a reasonable pace: do you...
  3. Thebirdman333

    Horrific Gut Anxiety Feeling?

    So I had an allergic reaction back in February and then had this awful, god awful, feeling. It was not PEM, but what essentially was happening was I would almost get these like adrenal rushes from my stomach. And it would cause me to feel super hyper, like I would be talking super fast and...
  4. SNT Gatchaman

    FGF21 acts centrally to induce sympathetic nerve activity, energy expenditure, and weight loss (Owen et al, 2014)

    FGF21 acts centrally to induce sympathetic nerve activity, energy expenditure, and weight loss Bryn M. Owen, Xunshan Ding, Donald A. Morgan, Katie Colbert Coate, Angie L. Bookout, Kamal Rahmouni, Steven A. Kliewer, David J. Mangelsdorf The mechanism by which pharmacologic administration of the...
  5. vision blue

    POLL: Do you have THIS symptom? (If you click please answer either way to avoid sample bias)

    Hi. Sorry for all polls. I realize i have no idea for how many this is an issue. In fact, until recently, i didnt realize that my crazy overactive sympathetic system was a symptom of CFS. If youre not sure what this means and want to know more before answering, im sure others can explain...
  6. Gingergrrl

    Does anyone else have an extremely exaggerated startle response? Need help with this.

    In the last 1-2 yrs I've developed what I would call an exaggerated startle response but initially it was just an occasional thing with random episodes here and there. Now it happens multiple times per day and it's driving me insane b/c I cannot figure out a single thing to stop it...