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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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diabetes insipidus

  1. R

    M.E./POTS - Treatments, medications, protocols to increase fluid retention, hydration and blood volume

    Not another thread from me complaining about my ongoing thirst, frequent urination and dehydration....but at this point I am certain my general symptoms are caused by low blood volume or some for of autonomic dysfunction that causes fluid loss and low blood volume. Call my condition M.E./CFS or...
  2. waif

    Have to drink tons and tons of water or I'm dizzy

    Hi all, Im extremely thirsty all the time and I have to drink a LOT of water, frequent urination. At night I pee nonstop, never wet the bed or even come close. Just the need to go dramatically increases. I have h-eds. Is this a CFS sx? I feel like I have to drink water moving around or...
  3. Jesse2233

    Poll: Do you have low vasopressin (ADH)? (Desmopressin / Blood volume / Symptom Reduction)

    Who has had their ADH (anti-diuretic hormone) levels checked and found them to be low? This has been discussed before but I’ve not seen a poll on it. A quick refresher... Antibodies to Arginine Vasopressin / ADH (AVPcAb) have been reported in post viral diabetes insipidus Low ADH has been...
  4. A

    Always thirsty and peeing loads

    Like as soon as I drink my mouth still feels incredibly dry, but I still pee it out soon after (often the urine looks just like water). Bear in mind, I have other cfs symptoms too, including fatigue, stiff-feeling neck, diarrheoa, weird gut noises, headaches, tinnitus. Is this thirst problem...
  5. Thinktank

    Desmopressin (ADH) for polyuria (excessive urination)

    My LLMD has prescribed me desmopressin spray to treat my polyuria. Nightly 1 spray in each nostril. The polyuria is worst when i've an episode of excessive inflammation. He believes that's because of certain pro-inflammatory chemicals that disturb the function of the hypothalamus and that leads...