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Yasko's simplified protocol summary and question about her supplements.


Senior Member
I get confused about potassium - How do I recognise when it is a problem? Is there a good thread about this?
Painesville, Ohio
Just wondering whether Yasko does anything to determine how genetic mutations are expressing. I am uncomfortable with assuming that all my 23andme mutations are expressing. That is because I have a homozygous CBS mutation but have taken MSM (organic sulfur) and several other sulfur based supplements with no consequence for over 30 years. In fact, MSM is one of the supplements that has helped me the most with aching and food allergies. I'm also uncomfortable with having the autism lens applied to most genetic mutation interpretations. The CBS mutation can also be down regulated rather than unregulated, which is what causes the problem with sulfur and ammonia. I actually have more indications symptomatically of having a down regulation. Any thoughts?

My quick question is: has anybody started a methylation protocol by buying Yasko's supplements off the Holistic Heal website? Any problems? Are they generally considered good? @Patrick* , I'm looking at you! ;)

It's taken me months to wrap my brain around the protocol and I want to get this show on the road without spending another month researching alternative sources of supplements.

Also, in case this will help anybody, I read Yasko's Roadmap and put it into a bulletpoint format that my brain could understand (with a few extras tid bits from my research and focusing on my mutations). Here's the framework:
  1. Change the diet and heal the gut:
    • Paleo/AIP diet
    • 4R Gut Program
    • Test for ammonia and homocysteine.
    • Kill candida (if you have it).
  2. Address CBS mutation:
    • Reduce dietary protein, low-sulfur/thiol diet. Test urine sulfur with strips.
    • Yucca supplement with meals (sprinkled on meat?).
    • Charcoal/magnesium flushes.
  3. Get your glutamate and Gaba levels in balance with basic support supplements (add a new one every 3 or 4 days):
    • Be Calm Spray (with lithium) helps excess glutamate.
    • Resveratrol Spray balances glutamate and helps pain.
    • All in One Vitamin (1-3 capsules)
    • CoQ10 Spray
    • Special Digestive Enzymes (SDE). Take 1 with dinner or large meal of the day.
    • Amino Assist Spray (1-2 sprays)
    • Ultimate B Complex (1 capsule)
  4. Short Cut Support
    • Be Calm Spray
    • All in One Vitamin
    • Phospholipid complex: PS/PE/PC gel cap + SAMe (IF tolerated) or soy-free PS + PC (Seriphos)
    • Vita Organ
    • Daily DHA + a few drops Methylation Support RNA (the latter is expensive and some controversy over efficacy).
    • TMG (?)
  5. Lithium levels. Make sure lithium is in balance before adding B12. Get hair metal analysis and/or blood test for lithium, plus urine essential element test (UEE). If low, supplement with:
    • Be Calm Spray
    • All in One Vitamin
    • low dose lithium orotate
  6. Long route support (once lithium is balanced):
    • Add B12 first. For COMT V158M +/- and VDR Taq +/+: All 3 types (HydroxyB12, AdenosylB12, MethylB12) with less MethylB12.
    • Folate. MethylMate B (or equivalent source of 5 Methyl THF, preferably liquid), start with 1 drop or 1 dilute drop.
    • MethylMate A (or equivalent source of low dose folinic acid, nucleotides, lactoferrin, bipoterin, phospholipids (perhaps soy-free PS + PC)). 1 capsule.
  7. Extra supplements:
    • Vitamin D spray for VDR Taq
    • Seromood for MAO A R297R
    • AHCY/SHMT caps with meals for AHCYs
    • MethylMate A caps and MethylMate B drops and B12 for COMTs and MTRR A66G
    • VitaOrgan and ACAT/BHMT caps with meals for BHMTs
    • Black Bear Spray and low dose MTR/MTRR/SUOX caps and * CBS RNA for CBS A360A
      • *Because of CBS, taurine levels may rise once methylation is working. Get a urine amino acid test (UAA) to check taurine and use CBS RNA ONLY as needed to keep taurine in balance (below 50th percentile).


Senior Member
Just wondering whether Yasko does anything to determine how genetic mutations are expressing. I am uncomfortable with assuming that all my 23andme mutations are expressing. That is because I have a homozygous CBS mutation but have taken MSM (organic sulfur) and several other sulfur based supplements with no consequence for over 30 years. In fact, MSM is one of the supplements that has helped me the most with aching and food allergies. I'm also uncomfortable with having the autism lens applied to most genetic mutation interpretations. The CBS mutation can also be down regulated rather than unregulated, which is what causes the problem with sulfur and ammonia. I actually have more indications symptomatically of having a down regulation. Any thoughts?
Yasko isn't a medical practitioner, so she presumably isn't treating patients and wouldn't be determining their actual gene expression.

Yasko is also completely wrong about CBS. The +/+ versions are mild and beneficial up-regulations. When the gene becomes dysfunctional and causes serious problems, it's due to severe down-regulation. Basically there's no credible connection between the CBS SNPs tested by Yasko, and the symptoms which Yasko claims are caused by them.

Additionally, trying to "slow down" the gene by avoiding B6 or other methods would have a downstream effect, reducing the production of glutathione, as well as potentially raising homocysteine.

My general impression is that Yasko's theories and advice regarding CBS are completely wrong, and following her protocol for it is potentially harmful.