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With these results, what is the best action for energy?

With the following results (below), what is the best action for getting energy produced on a cellular level? I'm tired of being tired. :-(

SAMe gives me energy and lifts me up, but I'm concerned there will be an issue with homocysteine. That's why I stopped taking it years ago...because when I learned about the rise in homocysteine possibly happening I thought it wasn't a good choice for supplements for me since I've had ongoing issues in the past with high homocysteine levels.

I really need energy, though...deep, cellular energy. How can I best get it with the following methylation issues?
Hi GypsieA, I'm not familiar enough with genetic results to offer solid input re ur test results. What I can tell u from experience though, is that getting on Solgar gentle iron 25mg, and ATP (white bottle w blue text on bottle - can get via amazon), helped increase my energy for sure! This was my experience at least - hope this helps. :)
Austin, TX
hi GypsieA,

I also have CBS 699T +/+. I take 200mg a Same at night and do feel better from it. I'm about to start my methylation process and do an UAA, so I'll know more about certain levels soon I hope. This may not help, but I thought I would throw it in. Have you started a protocol? -Brent


Senior Member
If you're particularly targeting energy, I'm in favor of looking at functional testing of the Kreb's cycle where energy is produced. This is on the Nutreval test. Then you can supplement Kreb's cycle intermediates which are low (basically taking mitochondrial supps), as well as doing a methylation protocol, detoxing metals, etc. Poor methylation and metals are both energy suckers. I've heard you may need to supplement Kreb's cycle intermediates for awhile to help get things restarted.

I get a bit of good energy from ribose and l-carnitine fumarate. I don't tolerate NADH. Thyroid hormone helps a bit too. I don't really notice a boost when I take it, but I do notice a draggy feeling when I miss doses. (I have autoimmune thyroidtis). Some people get energy from Co Q10. It helps my brain fog, but not energy.

Someone on here got a significant boost from Biotec Extra Energy Enzymes, but since you don't have the SOD2 mutation, it doesn't sound like that one will do you any good.

Also there are certain meds which are energy suckers via depleting critical nutrients, or causing insomnia. My brother was telling me he found a study about meds which damage the mitochondria, but he hasn't sent me a link yet.
I ended up making some poor choices and am just now starting to come out of it all. :-/ I was taking MethylB12, SAMe, and Betaine HCL. I was convinced I was tapped into some universal knowledge and sharing the insights with my family, only to somehow get a tiny glimpse that I was headed into deep psychosis (I think I triggered severe neurological lyme stuff with over methylation). :-(

I'm currently doing the Gerson Therapy at home, minus the supplements. My head is hurting a lot today, but at least I'm not "crazy" as much right now. I'm going to take 50mg Niacin when my husband gets home with it, so I can flush some of this stuff out of my system.

I sure wish this was easier and that there was a way to know exactly what to do, how much, and when to stop/change it up to continue moving forward with healing.

Does anyone know how water fasting for a day, or two, would affect someone with severe sensitivities and methylation issues? I'm wondering if a day or two of water fasting might help clear my brain out a bit better??



Senior Member
Does anyone know how water fasting for a day, or two, would affect someone with severe sensitivities and methylation issues? I'm wondering if a day or two of water fasting might help clear my brain out a bit better??
Fasting might be a bad idea in general, for anyone who gets post-exertional malaise. A recent study has shown that a gene gets up-regulated in ME/CFS following exertion. That gene is known to suppress lipolysis when up-regulated, in addition to being a likely candidate for causing PEM symptoms.

Since fasting usually causes a switch to burning fat stores for energy, the malfunctioning of that gene might result in little or no energy being generated in an ME/CFS patient who is fasting. Hence getting very ill.


Senior Member
I ended up making some poor choices and am just now starting to come out of it all. :-/ I was taking MethylB12, SAMe, and Betaine HCL. I was convinced I was tapped into some universal knowledge and sharing the insights with my family, only to somehow get a tiny glimpse that I was headed into deep psychosis (I think I triggered severe neurological lyme stuff with over methylation). :-(

I'm currently doing the Gerson Therapy at home, minus the supplements. My head is hurting a lot today, but at least I'm not "crazy" as much right now. I'm going to take 50mg Niacin when my husband gets home with it, so I can flush some of this stuff out of my system.

I sure wish this was easier and that there was a way to know exactly what to do, how much, and when to stop/change it up to continue moving forward with healing.

Does anyone know how water fasting for a day, or two, would affect someone with severe sensitivities and methylation issues? I'm wondering if a day or two of water fasting might help clear my brain out a bit better??


Personally, I wouldn't do harsh treatments such as Gerson, water fasts, etc. They just sound like a good way to make yourself worse to me.

If you're overmethylated, take 50-100mg of a slow release nicotinic form of niacin. Dosing every 4 hours, or about 4 times a day worked well for me. As the methylation cycle can get cranking and keep going for weeks even after stopping supplements, you may have to continue the niacin for several days, dosing several times a day, until you're back to your baseline.

Whenever you decide to restart, you need to practice Start Low and Go Slow.

That means starting with very small doses, much less than a normal dose, such as 1/8 of pill. That way, if you're going to have an adverse reaction, it will only be 1/8 as bad.

Start one new supplement at a time, and wait a few days to make sure you're tolerating it. Start a symptom journal and record when you started a supplement, how much you're taking and any reaction, good, bad or indifferent. Going back and reviewing your journal can tell what's working and what isn't.

Only increase doses if you're tolerating supplements. If you're not tolerating a supplement, then stop for several days and let everything clear out. Then restart at a much lower dose. If the same thing happens, repeat the process.

I use self muscle testing extensively to determine if supplements are good or bad to take and also to determine doses. This cuts down on trial and error and adverse reactions. There are many videos on Youtube that show how to do this, and it's not hard to learn.
I took 50mg Niacin last night, which took a bit of pressure out of my head for about 15 minutes. Then things got bad again.

Today, after another night of "crazy" and all kinds of neurological things going on I am in tears (yet again), not knowing what to do. I don't want to take any supplements...it's too scary (even the Niacin).

When I google all my symptoms, all I come across is "ascention and awakening" kind of stuff. As much as I'd love all of this to be for some higher good and overall enlightening of humans on this planet, what if it's not and it's some serious neurological stuff going on and I'm not doing things to help myself heal/get better? My faith in doctors is completely gone and I could never trust them to even figure out what's going on, let alone helping me get better. At this point, they'd probably label me as schizophrenic or something similar and strongly suggest medication. *cries*

If I do absolutely nothing as far as supplements, and just eat simple/whole/organic foods with no salt or spices, if all of this stuff that is going on is overmethylation (or something methylation related)...about how long before it clears without supplements and just doing simple eating and drinking plenty of fresh water?

Before the lyme, I was able to intuitively know how to get well...what I should be trying/doing. My brain was sharp and I was able to process all kinds of information and figure things out. Now, I feel helpless and scared and like something is going terribly wrong. :-(