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What are INCAT, MRC Scale or ADL?


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I asked on a previous post about using a cognitive assessment for determining if immunoglobulin is working. @Daffodil was very helpful.

I found something from Aetna Insurance for Parenteral Immunoglobulin and they say they need an objective quantitative assessment to monitor progress. Also Any accepted metric maybe assessment may be used for objective monitoring including the Inflammatory Neuorpathy Cause and Treatment (INCAT) scale, the Medical Research Council (MRC) scale and ADL daily living scale.

From what I can see INCAT is for Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) is an autoimmune disease that may cause severe disability due to irreversible neurological damage.

I can't find anything on these. Can someone help? What does this have to do with SCIG for hypogammaglobulinemia?

Here's the article


Appointment next week so I need ammo. I don't have the time or energy or money to waste on some BS testing
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But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Finally found things. They're about physical function and more to do with CIDP and not what I have.

If anyone has more to add, please feel free.


Senior Member
@minkeygirl I am not sure if you still read or post on PR but for my IVIG we are going to use breathing tests as one of the markers of improvement as well as autoantibody titers and other blood work. So I think doctors can probably be creative and use various tests or scales for insurance purposes.

You mentioned CIDP in your post and am curious why your doctor recommended that scale? I came across this illness (CIDP) while reading about IVIG and I match on some of the symptoms (upper body weakness, dyspnea, phrenic nerve with reduced amplitude on EMG, and pulmonary restriction.)

Did you also have some of these symptoms when your doc mentioned this as a measurement scale for IVIG? I may be misunderstanding and was hoping you could clarify.