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Vaccine against enterovirus being trialled to prevent diabetes


Senior Member
New Zealand
Here's an announcement about a vaccine against coxsackievirus B1 that is hoped to prevent the development of Type 1 diabetes.


A prototype vaccine, decades in the making, that could prevent type 1 diabetes in children is ready to start clinical trials in 2018.

It's not a cure, and it won't eliminate the disease altogether, but the vaccine is expected to provide immunity against a virus that has been found to trigger the body's defences into attacking itself, potentially reducing the number of new diabetes cases each year.

Over two decades of research led by the University of Tampere in Finland has already provided solid evidence linking a type of virus called coxsackievirus B1 with an autoimmune reaction that causes the body to destroy cells in its own pancreas.

(I just do not understand why, when three of us in my family developed ME after a 'gastric flu', that anyone could think that the most likely reason is that we all simultaneously took leave of our senses, rapidly developing a fear of school and work, and preferring to languish on the sofa or in bed imagining a whole range of symptoms rather than living our previous good lives. Especially when there seems to be so much evidence, or at least strong indications of, autoimmunity occurring following viral infections. And of course now, suggestions of responses by people with ME to treatments that knock out autoantibodies. )

In searching to see if this news had been posted, I saw a post of @Hip's suggesting that it would be interesting to develop a coxsackievirus B vaccine and administer it and then see if it has any impact on rates of ME. Maybe the Norwegians should chat with these Finnish researchers.


Senior Member
Here's an announcement about a vaccine against coxsackievirus B1 that is hoped to prevent the development of Type 1 diabetes.

That is good news, perhaps it will pave the way for developing vaccines to a wider range of coxsackievirus B and echovirus infections, which could dramatically lower the incidence of ME/CFS in future. According to Dr John Chia, he finds the enteroviruses most commonly linked to ME/CFS are:
  • CVB3 and CVB4 first and foremost
  • Then less frequently CVB2, EV6, EV7 and EV9
  • And then much less frequently EV11
Coxsackievirus B4 has also been linked to triggering type 1 diabetes, as well as ME/CFS.

What I found interesting was the speculation that wild-type poliovirus infections used to provide natural protection against the whole range of coxsackieviruses and echoviruses linked to ME/CFS as well as diabetes.

We no longer have poliovirus infections in the developed world, but I wonder if it might be possible to create a new poliovirus-type vaccine based on the possible protective effect that wild-type poliovirus might provide against other enteroviruses, and perhaps this single vaccine would cover the whole range of coxsackieviruses and echoviruses.

It is suggested that the assumed protective effect of wild-type poliovirus comes from the way natural poliovirus infections produce stronger T-cell immunity, which cross-reacts and protects against other enterovirus serotypes.