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Use of pregnenelone for pain?


Senior Member
Some years ago I was briefly seeing an md who was holistic minded. I'd been taking bioidentical hormones in troche form with estrogen, progesterone, and dhea for years, which helped with my sleep and other things immediately, but I was still having a lot of pain. She added 4 mg of pregnenelone to my hormones and within a few days I felt noticeably better. Over the years in an effort to cut back on estrogen, and to save money, I've tried taking less of the troches. Every time, it seems within a week, I start to experience rampant pain all over my body again. Yesterday I finally googled " pregenelone for pain" and a number of articles came up on it, so I'm curious if others have noticed improvement of pain with pregnenelone. I know I have osteoarthritis throughout my spine, as well as other spinal problems, and some of what I've read indicates it can help with that. Who knows what all the pains are from, but I'd love to hear others experiences. Thanks.


Senior Member
Before corticosteroids widespread use, it seems that Pregnenolone had been used a lot.:thumbsup:

My blood levels are low so I take 100mg/day


Some years ago I was briefly seeing an md who was holistic minded. I'd been taking bioidentical hormones in troche form with estrogen, progesterone, and dhea for years, which helped with my sleep and other things immediately, but I was still having a lot of pain. She added 4 mg of pregnenelone to my hormones and within a few days I felt noticeably better. Over the years in an effort to cut back on estrogen, and to save money, I've tried taking less of the troches. Every time, it seems within a week, I start to experience rampant pain all over my body again. Yesterday I finally googled " pregenelone for pain" and a number of articles came up on it, so I'm curious if others have noticed improvement of pain with pregnenelone. I know I have osteoarthritis throughout my spine, as well as other spinal problems, and some of what I've read indicates it can help with that. Who knows what all the pains are from, but I'd love to hear others experiences. Thanks.
Hi Starsister,

Are you familiar with Dr Mark Gordon(USA)?He treats people with TBI/PTHP and there are many youtube clips re him and his treatments.Dr Gordon treats Warvets/NFL players and ordinary citizens.He has suffered head injuries too.Dr Gordon is into liposomal doses and he talks about pregnenolone/progesterone and such things.He lectures doctors/consultants too so has a wide knowledge of such.Here are a couple of the links re dr Gordon and his treatments.I have listened to the first one but not the second one.It is very recent.He has many other videos re his treatments on youtube

Dr. Anna's Couch Talk with Dr. Mark Gordon: TBI, PTSD and the Hormone Connection

The New Revolution in Hacking Traumatic Brain Injury and PTSD - Dr. Mark Gordon & Andrew Marr