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TMG, tiredness and panicky


Excavating the truth
United Kingdom
Hey all

Hope you are well.

I'm an undermethylator. Seasonal allergies/crashes, low motivation during the summer (when everyone else is buzzing around) and I don't have the confidence for holidays due to the way my system goes in reverse gear.

I have been diagnosed hypogonadism and struggling cortisol.

Recently started taking SAM-e and after the first dose 200mg I felt an overwhelming surge of energy, almost like being 16 again (I'm 26), but after that it dipped, and every following dose just gently improves mood. I've also started having trouble sleeping at night.

I thought perhaps co-factors would bump it up for a sustained improvement. Vitamin B12 seems to also provide a gentle boost in terms of mental clarity and reducing anxiety.

However, I have taken my first dose of TMG, which I read is a more cost effective pre-cursor to the SAM-e. After 30 minutes I felt a surge of energy, all my muscles enlarged (similar to when I get my thyroid supps right), but I felt sluggish, and after the next hour, I felt dreadfully tired, anxious, similar to low cortisol symptoms. It's passed now since I've had a big meal.

Could it be the liver detoxing or is it my adrenal fatigue, and why didn't I get this with the SAM-e? Perhaps I also need to add l-methionine in?

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Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Hey all

Hope you are well.

I'm an undermethylator. Seasonal allergies/crashes, low motivation during the summer (when everyone else is buzzing around) and I don't have the confidence for holidays due to the way my system goes in reverse gear.

I have been diagnosed hypogonadism and struggling cortisol.

Recently started taking SAM-e and after the first dose 200mg I felt an overwhelming surge of energy, almost like being 16 again (I'm 26), but after that it dipped, and every following dose just gently improves mood. I've also started having trouble sleeping at night.

I thought perhaps co-factors would bump it up for a sustained improvement. Vitamin B12 seems to also provide a gentle boost in terms of mental clarity and reducing anxiety.

However, I have taken my first dose of TMG, which I read is a more cost effective pre-cursor to the SAM-e. After 30 minutes I felt a surge of energy, all my muscles enlarged (similar to when I get my thyroid supps right), but I felt sluggish, and after the next hour, I felt dreadfully tired, anxious, similar to low cortisol symptoms. It's passed now since I've had a big meal.

Could it be the liver detoxing or is it my adrenal fatigue, and why didn't I get this with the SAM-e? Perhaps I also need to add l-methionine in?


Hi Dan,

I have found that starting with MeCbl and L-methylfolate will generally get methylation going and keep it going as you get to the right dose of Metafolin. If that doesn't then AdoCbl is next and them L-carnitine fumarate generally get ATP going and unblocks the methylation. After those 4 are started with all basics and b-complex of the right size, potassium and Metafolin all balanced, then is time to try SAM-e to see if it is needed in the balance and then After that, without discontinuing any of these then a trial of TMG. There is an order of these things, starting at the bottom instead of in the middle, that seems to work more predictably.


Excavating the truth
United Kingdom
Hey I have developed two painful mouth ulcers since trying the liver supplements, is this some sort of load on my immunity or toxic metal dump? Thanks