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Senior Member
I'm basically on freddd's protocol for methylation.
I take Thorne B-12 complex+dibencozide+methylcobalamin+methylfolate.

I am heterozygous for both MTHFR polymorphisms (C677T and A1298C), so I may have additional need for BH4 as well.

Has anyone here tried BH4 at all ?
Did it help at all ? What symptoms did it help with ?

The same here I am also heterozygous for both MTHFR polymorphisms (C677T and A1298C)!
No I have not tried BH4 I am hoping to be tested and have the synthetic form perscribed if my blood test indicate my BH4 is low. I am hopeful that this may be the solution.

So far my physicians have not paid much attention to my requests. I am preparing a presentation that I plan to email to them. Having it in writing may help.