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Testosterone supplement?


Senior Member
My Doc prescribed a supplement called B-Vital. Its Peruvian Deer antler! Interesting when I was in South Korea, they made me deer antler tea for the same issue.
I havent taken the supplements long enough to say whether they work or not because now I am convinced I need to heal my gut before spending a lot more money on supps. I took a long course of antibiotics and I feel I need to address some of the gut issues its caused first.


Senior Member
SF Bay Area
Mucuna pruriens increases testosterone by increasing doapmine. This research study was on infertile men but you can find a lot of other evidence out there- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18973898
I have been taking it for other purposes (increased energy and mood) but found a lot of references to testosterone when I was doing general research.


Senior Member
One thing about boosting testosterone, is that your body has a set point, and if SHBG is keeping your free testosterone down, it's going to be hard to increase unless you address the issue that's causing high SHBG. You can increase total t and free t for short bursts if your body already thinks it's at it's ideal set point. Otherwise addressing things like mineral deficiency (zinc and magnesium especially), can help increase it.


Senior Member
Sometimes hypogonadism has no simple cause.
I have low normal SHBG, normal LH and high normal FSH and low test.
I have tried various supplements as my testosterone levels have been 300ng/dl in 2008 and was steadily dropping where it was 139 last summer.
since starting methlation and mito, its gone up to 198 ng/dl with no hormonal supplements last month.
DHEA has raised my level temporarily before when I tried it, I started it again this month and I noticed my allergies improved greatly.
I also just started on pregnenolone this week, the consensus is that its safer than DHEA and may help those with too much cortisol from stress.

for what its worth,



Senior Member
Fragelle rock, USA
Do you take opiods? They can drop your t.

I tried a bunch of replacement but I went from 150 to 2000 in one day on one kind.

Every dr is afraid to kill me so none touch my t..hahah


Senior Member
Think I will be put in jail if I order that. But the substance it self looks very interesting. Thank you!


Senior Member
I have found that reducing estrogen has lead to a strong increase in testosterone - for me this was a better option than trying to boost the testosterone directly.
I used a combination of calcium-d-glucarate, zinc gluconate and DIM.


Senior Member
I know allot of emphasis is put on magnesium, zinc, and vitamin d. I think because our diets are so deficient and because many people aren't getting enough sun light and or are having an issue with vitamin D metabolism.


Senior Member
I know allot of emphasis is put on magnesium, zinc, and vitamin d. I think because our diets are so deficient and because many people aren't getting enough sun light and or are having an issue with vitamin D metabolism.
Or are deficient in vit K o_O


Senior Member
Or are deficient in vit K o_O

K and K2 are actually related to clotting and "sticky" blood for those with genetic defects. So if one with CFS were prone to this because of vitamin K2, and they had something like antiphospholipid syndrome, it would trigger a coagulation cascade and cause issues with reduced oxygen to organs, causing organ malfunction and CFS symptoms (based on Berg hypercoagulation theory). So ironically k2 would be bad for some people... in which case we'd need the enzyme directly.


Senior Member
the one caveat is that your body isn't producing adequate FSH or LH.
That is why I posted the 2nd link
allot of emphasis is put on magnesium, zinc, and vitamin d
Supplementation of Zinc only causes Copper deficiency and vit D only increases the need for vit K (and vit A which is also missing from the testosterone wheel above)
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Not too sure if anyone ever posted this but according to Stephen Buhner pine pollen (which can seemingly only be bought in america) raises T levels very well and was the only compound he ever found that did so.

Testosterone has been found in the pollen of the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). It's estimated that 10 grams of this pollen contains 0.8 micrograms of testosterone. Because of this, pine pollen is often used to boost testosterone levels.

It's usually in alcohol extract form I believe.

Also siberian ginseng increases t levels too, very markedly after 3-4 weeks use, but I suspect isn't worthit compared with taking pine pollen.