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Surprise, surprise, MMS is toxic!


Juice Me Up, Scotty!!!
Murcia, Spain
Finally my parents forced me to drink MMS at "full dose" for two weeks and today it gave me (obvious) intestinal inflammation for the first time. Intestinal inflammation can be present much below the sensory threshold, like any other form of chronic inflammation

Just letting people know that MMS is poisonous and bad for "leaky guy" (which you are likely to know already) and it all stems from the gullibility and insanity of many people including my aunt that is dying from several forms of cancer plus has autoimmune arthritis but told us that MMS makes her "sleep like a baby", "get better mood" and "gave me energy", because "it revitalizes your immune system".

In reality, just a brief review of what chlorine dioxide is and what it does to the cells of your body and your intestinal flora suffices to settle any doubts. Furthermore, someone had the idea of exposing kefir grains to it since that wacko Humble that started all the circus claims MMS "respects healthy bugs". It devastated the grains, logically.


Damn, now I want to eat but I can´t. 3 hours already with my tummy ravaged.

:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:... :(
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Hi @Beyond,

As someone who's experienced pretty significant benefits from MMS--and reading many other positive testimonials. Because it is such a contentious topic, I generally don't even comment on my positive experiences anymore, as it tends to rile a few people up. Just want to let you know that this thread could easily spiral downward if it devolves into a back and forth between proponents and opponents of MMS.

I will just mention that it seems to me anybody who's done even a modicum of researching MMS will quickly understand it's toxic. So are antibiotics, and chemotherapy, and any number of other pharmaceutical drugs, anethesias, etc. But people use them in the hopes that by using them judiciously, they can overcome some of their health challenges. Personally, I say kudos to your Mom who apparently researched MMS, and then found it to work for her. Why begrudge somebody finding something that works well for them?
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Juice Me Up, Scotty!!!
Murcia, Spain
I don´t want to ignore your post, Wayne, but you and I cannot reach any middle ground, so lets just agree to disagree. I am just amazed at what people will do and believe when they are desperate.

You know, I have done even urine enemas, my friends, and almost drank it. I have super extensive experience with quacks and crazy health movements such as Nutritional Balancing that advised doing coffee enemas every day and stay anorexic. I know this BS well. Oh, my God, so well... :( All these pills swallowed, realigning chakras, taking pregnenolone, colon cleanses, pints of raw milk kefir (yummy), powders of all classes... I haven´t ate dirt yet though.

Don´t want to argue with anyone.

This is my experience with MMS, and I say stay away from it. If you want to kill parasites there is wormwood, if its candida there are hundreds of herbs such as pau d´arco... etc


Senior Member
Hi @Beyond,

As someone who's experienced pretty significant benefits from MMS--and reading many other positive testimonials--I have to say your initial post on this thread strikes me as an inflammatory one. Because it is such a contentious topic, I generally don't even comment on my positive experiences anymore, as it tends to rile a few people up. Just want to let you know that this thread could easily spiral downward if it devolves into a back and forth between proponents and opponents of MMS.

I will just mention that it seems to me anybody who's done even a modicum of researching MMS will quickly understand it's toxic. So are antibiotics, and chemotherapy, and any number of other pharmaceutical drugs, anethesias, etc. But people use them in the hopes that by using them judiciously, they can overcome some of their health challenges. Personally, I say kudos to your Mom who apparently researched MMS, and then found it to work for her. Why begrudge somebody finding something that works well for them?

I am not surprised @Beyond I have been following the MMS saga for years. It's good to have a thread that discusses that MMS is not a 'miracle' cure but a poison that causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gut inflammation and death.

Yes, MMS is toxic and so are many things but we can't just throw all 'toxic' products into one pot.

For those who don't know what MMS is. It is sodium chlorite which is a common form of household bleach. It's also used as an industrial disinfectant. It is capable of causing cancer when ingested in small quantities and can cause a huge amount of organ damage or death when taken in significant quantities.

The reason why there haven't been a significant number of deaths from MMS (there have been deaths) is because you are supposed to take just a few drops at a time. You would have to drink 2-3 bottles all at once for it to be lethally poisoned.

How about following the money. The profit margin is over one 1000 percent. A bottle of MMS contains 20 cents worth of bleach and sells for 20 dollars. That's quite a miracle (for those selling it).

Jim Humble, the man who invented MMS (he didn't though) claims that it cures ALL diseases known to mankind even cancer. I have never heard where it has 'cured' anybody of ME. It should because it is supposed to cure ALL diseases. Jim Humble had a huge spinal tumour removed in 2009 -- clearly MMS didn't cure his cancer.

There are no studies that show that MMS cures anything or improves health.

There is no research evidence that shows that MMS kills pathogens.

There is research that shows the benefits of anti-oxidents -- they neutralize oxidents. Oxidents cause cellular damage. MMS is an oxident. Oxidants mess with DNA -- leading to the breakdown of cells, tissue death, and even cancer. Jim Humble claims that MMS does not damage body cells -- he says the nausea, vomiting, diarrhea shows MMS is working. Totally assinine -- no it's bleach poisoning you.

There is only one thing you need to know about MMS -- Jim Humble claims it works by selectively targeting pathogens. Humble states that when MMS encounters a pathogen, it rips 5 electrons from the pathogen and leaves the rest of the cell intact. Do we have any Cancer drugs yet that only target the cancer cells -- no, which is why chemotherapy is so toxic because it affects healthy cells too.

Bleach can't distinguish normal cells from pathogens -- viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites. MMS kills the first cell it comes in contact with. These are cells in the mouth, throat and stomach.

MMS does not work. Any improvement has to be related to other factors.

At least @Beyond could choose whether he wanted to try it or not. MMS is being given to autistic babies and autistic children (orally and by enema) that are too young to give proper consent. It's tragic.


Senior Member
Southeastern United States
Just to act as the devil's advocate, there are medicinal herbs that are toxic in large quantities - and many haven't been studied as to what those doses are, yet people are far less argumentative with each other about those than they are about MMS. (for the record, I'm pro-herbs in general, but not willing to take MMS, see below)

Obviously MMS kills certain bacteria and yeasts - otherwise the kefir experiment cited above wouldn't have turned out the way it did.

If the MMS kills bacteria in lab dishes (similar to the kefir example above), and if we had the verbal record of people who tried it and X percent of those people had problems but nobody died, then MMS is just as "proven" and "safe" as certain herbs like strong oregano oil. (To my knowledge, there is no study showing what doses of oregano are safe and what doses are too much)

Yet I'm willing to experiment with strong oregano oil, but not with MMS. Why?
I think because it's both:
A. not found in any plants or foods or medicinal herbs, that I know of
AND at the same time:
B. unclear to me what doses have been proven not toxic (unlike prescription drugs, which have somewhat been tested as to what dose is toxic, sort of)

If MMS was either "A" or "B" but not both, I might consider it personally, but I guess having both strikes against it is too much for me. But that's just me.

Each person has to come up with their own decision tree.
(I don't mean babies, autistics, or other people who can't speak for themselves here).
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Moderation Resource Albuquerque
B. not been tested as to what dose is toxic (unlike prescription drugs, which are unnatural but have somewhat been tested as to what dose is toxic, sort of)
It has been tested as it is used for water purification. I don't know the "safe" limits but they are more dilute (I have read) than the dosing used by those taking MMS.


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
I've found the "kill all pathogens" gimmicks to be completely ineffective. That's just my report, I'd never tell anyone to not use them. I've tried MMS and zapping and neither of them did anything for my babesia or borrelia. If they don't even hit babesia in the blood then I can't imagine them being effective at killing anything, let alone HIV as they're purported to. I could also quickly discern that both these treatments were harmful to my system.
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ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
@Beyond - thanks for posting this info for the benefit of anyone considering this quack treatment, and sorry you found yourself in the position of guinea pig.

As your parents pressurised you to take it, I trust that they are going to fund whatever you need to build your gut flora back up again - faecal transplant?


work in progress
N. California
Back in 2008 I used MMS just as a mouth rise for a few days to check it out. I noticed very quickly that it ATE AWAY SOME OF THE METAL OF MY DRAIN! No thank you, I was certainly not willing to ingest it after that.

I have had two friends since then who (despite my warning about the drain) have gotten very ill from MMS. Both ended up with serious digestive issues that lasted a long time.

I would not recommend MMS to anyone ever.


Senior Member
Finally my parents forced me to drink MMS at "full dose" for two weeks and today it gave me (obvious) intestinal inflammation for the first time.

Annoying - it does seem that lots of people think that if you suffer from ill health, you should do what you're told in order to recover, even when there's no good evidence that what you're being told to do is useful. Best of luck for the future.


Senior Member
It's sometimes hard to sort out what is helping as our condition remits and relapses..

Jim Humble is not a very nice person and I'm trying to be polite.:D

When my mother was a teenager in the 1930s, she was told by a friend to take arsnic for her psoriasis. Another old fashioned remedy. She ended in the hospital and it took her a good two months to completely recover.

There are more recent medications that can do what MMS is suppose to do without being toxic.

To each their own?



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
When my mother was a teenager in the 1930s, she was told by a friend to take arsnic for her psoriasis

Yes, nobody should automatically believe everything they read or have been told regarding health matters, whether by friends or by "medical authorities". A striking example:

Back in the 1800's, dentists began to tell their patients that amalgam fillings containing toxic mercury (also called quicksilver) were safe and effective. Mainstream medicine coined the derogatory word "quack" (a shortened word for quicksilver) to describe those who would directly expose their patients to such a toxic substance.

Today, quite ironically, mainstream medicine directly exposes millions of people every year to mercury and other toxic substances with vaccines. Interestingly, they also insist this practice is safe and effective. I don't believe it, and view it as just another example of quackery.
I myself do not have a favorable opinion of Jim Humble. But I was willing to look past his whole bizarre persona and carefully weigh the many positive testimonials I read online that it worked very well, for very many people, for a wide variety of health issues. It worked well for me as well (in VERY dilute amounts), but I very much agree with you--to each their own.
BTW, I consider myself a very cautious person (sometimes overly cautious), and spent MANY hours researching MMS before deciding to try it, starting out at about 1/3 drop every other day. I'm guessing the amount of chlorine I ingested was less than the average person who drinks chlorinated water regularly. Or absorbed by someone who swims in a chlorinated pool. Ingesting minute amounts of chlorine dioxide, IMO, is not even remotely similar to drinking industrial bleach.
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Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
she was told by a friend to take arsnic for her psoriasis. Another old fashioned remedy
Arsenic was very popular. Mercury was actually a standard drug, one of the very few. These days we have lots of chemotherapy agents that are highly toxic, but used in controlled doses. Chemotherapy is titrated to patient need, bodymass etc., but still manages to do harm.

The classic one of this kind is laetrile, in which some people prescribing it have gone to prison for murder, in Texas I think but its been a long time since I read about it.

MMS would be expected to cause a big shift in the gut ecology. That might not be a good shift either, but you might get lucky. Against this is the risk of it being a poisonous agent. Its too high a risk for me, with not enough established gain, and not much of it well documented or understood.


Juice Me Up, Scotty!!!
Murcia, Spain
Just to complete this thread, I wanted to comment on the FOUL weird quimic-like odour that high dose MMS confers to the body of the consumer. My aunt now will INUNDATE the room where she appears with this smell. It is quite notable.

Nevertheless, she is convinced this thing is helping her, and have been drinking the stuff for more than a year.


Senior Member
MMS has been me helping a lot in my recovery from chronic infections. I started with a very low dose (less than 1 drop per day) and worked my way up slowly because I'm pretty sensitive. I recently posted a new thread about all the improvements I've had on it.