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Stanford: DNA Test for Pathogens 10,000x better


wiggle jiggle
Stanford DNA Pathogen Test up to 10,000x more sensitive

New technique to detect cancer and HIV 'could prove 10,000 TIMES more effective, and lead to earlier diagnosis', experts claim
  • Current diagnostic tests look for the presence of antibodies
  • Antibodies are released by the immune system in response to diseases
  • New test developed at Stanford, looks for short strand of DNA
PUBLISHED:22:45 GMT, 14 March 2016|UPDATED:23:09 GMT, 14 March 2016

When a disease, whether it is cancer or a virus like HIV, begins growing in the body, the immune system responds by producing antibodies.

Fishing these antibodies or related biomarkers out of the blood is one way that scientists can discover the presence of a disease.

This involves designed a molecule that the biomarker will bind to, and which can be adorned with an identifying 'flag'.

Read more:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3492370/New-technique-detect-cancer-HIV-prove-10-000-TIMES-effective-lead-earlier-diagnosis-experts-claim.html

unfortunately, this sounds as if they need to know what they are looking for and design a specific molecule first. :(
But its more precise (reliable), apparently.
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