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Should I get the methylation shots with B12?


Senior Member
San Diego, CA
Hello friends ~

I'm going to start doing the self-injections because my MTHFR-related numbers and Hashimotos numbers are still way too high. I'd been taking Metagenics Vessel Care for the safe-for-me B vitamins, but it's not doing much, apparently.

My question is this to those here who may know: Is it OK to take the B shots that have B12 in them when my labs show that my B12 is way too high? I know the tests are not the best for determining the actual B12 levels and that my body might actually still be deficient in B12 despite the numbers.

My new doctor believes I should get the shots that contain B12, even though the shots are available without it.

What do you think?

Thanks muchly, Judy


Senior Member
Western Nebraska
What kind of B12 is in the shots? If cyanocobalamin, you don't want that. If methyl B12 or adenosyl B12, I'd say get the shots with it. The labs measure both active (transcobalamin) and inactive (haptocorrin) forms of B12, so you have no idea how much of each form you have. The MMA is a better test for measuring B12 sufficiency, but it is actually measuring adenosylcobalamin, which is active in the mitochondria.


Senior Member
San Diego, CA
That's FANTASTIC information, @Lynn_M! Thank you. I will have a chat with the pharmacy and with my doctor.

Judy (I'm trying to tag you but as I'm composing this it's not cooperating, let's see if it shapes up when I post...)


Senior Member
San Diego, CA
Yes, it's the methyl B12.
Are there any side effects from these shots for people? Like feeling toxic? If someone can lead me to helpful posts, I'd be grateful as I am too crashy to research today.
Thanks muchly, Judy