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'Sense about Science' person on radio re health screening


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
The BBC Radio 4 programme You and Yours had a piece about private health screening today, consisting largely of a debate between a rather stroppy and dismissive bloke supposedly from 'Sense about Science' (although he seemed to have trouble saying the name of the organisation towards the end!) and a woman representing the pro-private screening argument.

IMO the woman was a lot more articulate and convincing.

It seems rather ironic at this time, as NHS services are being broken up and privatised anyway!

You can listen here - the item starts at about 3:10.


Senior Member
Interesting programe - Dr David Nicholls for Sense about Science comes across as totally patronising and paternalistic - anything to shut down patient choice.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
I must say though that I was somewhat bemused when the woman referred to bowel screening being done with a telescope!

If I found a telescope being pointed towards my backside I think I would call the police...

It's maybe an example of the infantile way that patients are commonly talked to in the UK, where 'experts' seem to think that we can't understand proper anatomical and technical terms and insist on talking about the entire front of the body below the chest as 'stomach' or - even worse - 'tummy', which IMO should be reserved for young children.

I have even listened to entire media items, or indeed read them, about a drug, without anyone giving its name!