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Senior Member
No, I asked specifically for evidence that the absence of PQQ from the diet leads to death. Without that evidence, nobody can claim that PQQ is a vitamin, even though we know PQQ is an important nutrient, and the body functions under par without it.


The Vitamins 5th edition Combs et al page 496. On libgen.

You say PQQ is a nutrient which means you believe it is made from some other as of yet unknown metabolic process in the body. What process do you believe this is, and do you have any evidence for it?
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Senior Member
That's a preposterous statement; a bowl of rice as the cure for cancer. Where do you get these ideas?

If you read those studies then you will have seen B6 is needed for T cells, antibody production, and other immune function, and B6 is low in cancer. Rice bran is high in B6, and multiple other b vitamins. Seems logical to me.


Senior Member

Your argument does not follow logically; you are claiming that B vitamins can cure cancer; that's not the same as saying that certain nutrients like B vitamins can reduce cancer risk, which what these studied you cited found.

There are numerous studies showing that nutrient status has an effect on cancer risk, and I don't think anyone doubts this. But it's a complete non sequitur to then conclude that nutrients can cure cancer.


Senior Member
The Vitamins 5th edition Combs et al page 496. On libgen.

That finding in rodents, that 20% died when given a PQQ-free diet, certainly does underline how important PQQ is to metabolism; however, strictly speaking, you would need to have all the rodents dying before you can class PQQ as a vitamin. And these rodent results may not apply to humans.

So personally I think the description of PQQ as a "vitamin-like" substance seems the most appropriate.


Senior Member
B6. B5,B9 and other b vitamin deficiency as studied by Axelrod et al negatively effects the immune system so eating foods high in b's will positively effect the immune system, and prevent cancer.

Get some rats, deprive them of PQQ, and then leave them until they all die instead of stopping the experiment early. Rodents have the same essential nutrient requirements as humans which is why since 1912 if a deficiency of something in the diet of rodents causes symptoms of sickness then it is classified as essential to humans also.

PQQ is an essential nutrient just like fat, b vitamins, carbs, vitamin c, protein, ADEK etc. Without PQQ in the diet humans will get sick.
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NPeden, Monterey, CA
PQQ makes me more alert but can cause insomnia if I take it after 12 noon. Other people here have said it felt like they were on speed. 5mg is adequate for me.

I took NADH a long time ago, and it had no effect on me.

Me too. Though I don't feel speedy, I feel alert.
I love PQQ and am experimenting with increasing it a bit. I really notice a mental uplift. It is supposed to help mitochondria, and some think I have mito disorder. That is a VERY good point about not taking it too late—many thanks. I have been researching a lot, and most are with our rat brothers, so not impressed. It is a best seller on Seeking Health. I was discouraged to find it in one site associated with soy. Suggest checking Seeking Health. I am disappointed that he no longer cites how he brews these things up. He lures you into classes now.