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Osteoporosis - which supplements to take?


iherb code TAK122
thanks for replying @adreno
yes I read up on PR about the importance of vit K to enhance calcium absorption- I've been juicing Romaine lettuce every day for the past month and hoping that will suffice for vit K. I bought the Pure Encapulations Vit k (4 &7) but can't tolerate it. I suppose the drops are better as I can just start on a low dose, its quite expensive??
I've ordered the Source of Life Calcium supplement just now so hoping I can tolerate that, it has a lot of stuff in it that I have intolerances to but only in very small doses so hoping it will be okay, even if I take it a couple of times a week it'll help - I hope.


iherb code TAK122
my god that amount would probably kill me:)

PE has
K1 500mcg
K2 (MK-4) 1mg
K2 (MK-7) 45mcg
and I don't tolerate this at all.


iherb code TAK122
@Little Bluestem
yes thanks I've tried them too, but in the main I just try to stay off fruit, my doc says I have fermenting gut??!!! nice.
Its so hard with all these intolerances, I would much rather eat the right food instead of taking supplements, hence juicing the lettuce every day for the K2, but its impossible when you're so sick, don't want to eat and haven't the energy to prepare it.


PR activist
As Ema said, low estrogen can be a cause of osteoporosis, so make sure you have that tested if you don't know your levels.


iherb code TAK122
My GP rolls her eyes at me when she sees me. I usually stay away and just go once a year.
Should I just say can I have my oestrogen levels tested because of the osteoporosis? Would you know what the treatment would be if they were low? ie. Is there a natural supplement?


PR activist
My GP rolls her eyes at me when she sees me. I usually stay away and just go once a year.
Should I just say can I have my oestrogen levels tested because of the osteoporosis? Would you know what the treatment would be if they were low? ie. Is there a natural supplement?
There are some supplements, but I don't know how effective they are. You would probably need to take bioidentical hormones. I'm sure @Ema knows lots more about this than me.


iherb code TAK122
thanks, its something I should think about, its okay pushing calcium and stuff in when rally it may be about something else, but whenever did my GPs do things the right way instead of the easy way.

@Ema is so clever and knows so much - I really do want her to come and live with me:)
ha ha in the UK.....as if she would


Senior Member
Midwest USA
thanks, its something I should think about, its okay pushing calcium and stuff in when rally it may be about something else, but whenever did my GPs do things the right way instead of the easy way.

@Ema is so clever and knows so much - I really do want her to come and live with me:)
ha ha in the UK.....as if she would
I would like nothing more than to come for a visit someday. I only wish I could bring Cricket too...she would be so happy to meet you too!

Osteo is rarely about calcium so I would be careful supplementing too much with that. Calcium has a nasty habit of depositing in places where it isn't wanted if it is in excess.

If I were you, and the supps weren't working, I would try fermented butter/cod liver oil, like this:


If you buy soft gels, usually you can freeze them and chop off a tiny piece too, though I've never tried it with this brand.

DHEA will usually raise E in women somewhat and can also be helpful if adrenal function is low.

It really depends on how low you are. I would say that you would probably want to at least try bioidentical estrogens, if you can. Too low estrogen affects serotonin metabolism as well so it really is important to keep it to at least a minimal standard throughout life.

I like the bioidentical estradiol patches because I think they keep a more continuous level rather than the ups and downs of creams or troches.

There are lots of herbs that are supposed to help balance hormones but I don't know how well they really work...I might try maca first. Dong quai, black cohosh, licorice root are all supposed to be estrogenic as well but are all pretty mild.

See if you can get a full sex hormone profile - estradiol, progesterone and free and total testosterone. T is really important for bones as well. Hopefully that shouldn't make your GP roll her eyes too hard...


iherb code TAK122
Do you get a neuro type reaction or intestinal distress when you take most supps/meds? Or does it vary?

Yes it varies - I can get both, or one or the other, its hard to tell sometimes as food intolerances also make me feel incredibly sleepy within minutes of eating, eyelids droop...
I get lip tremors and eye twitches, feeling very light headed and spacy
Also stomach ache and acid reflux.
However on the bright side I never get diarrhea :)


iherb code TAK122
I would like nothing more than to come for a visit someday. I only wish I could bring Cricket too...she would be so happy to meet you too!

Osteo is rarely about calcium so I would be careful supplementing too much with that. Calcium has a nasty habit of depositing in places where it isn't wanted if it is in excess.

If I were you, and the supps weren't working, I would try fermented butter/cod liver oil, like this:


If you buy soft gels, usually you can freeze them and chop off a tiny piece too, though I've never tried it with this brand.

DHEA will usually raise E in women somewhat and can also be helpful if adrenal function is low.

It really depends on how low you are. I would say that you would probably want to at least try bioidentical estrogens, if you can. Too low estrogen affects serotonin metabolism as well so it really is important to keep it to at least a minimal standard throughout life.

I like the bioidentical estradiol patches because I think they keep a more continuous level rather than the ups and downs of creams or troches.

There are lots of herbs that are supposed to help balance hormones but I don't know how well they really work...I might try maca first. Dong quai, black cohosh, licorice root are all supposed to be estrogenic as well but are all pretty mild.

See if you can get a full sex hormone profile - estradiol, progesterone and free and total testosterone. T is really important for bones as well. Hopefully that shouldn't make your GP roll her eyes too hard...

I tried Maca last year on the advice of a friend and felt good on it, I tried it again a couple of months ago and couldn't take it.... that's been the story this year, I think it all stems back to having a mercury filling out in Dec.

I mean I don't know how important calcium is, I don't eat dairy, nuts or anything with much calcium in, just meat veg and salad and gluten free bread. very limited diet so not getting enough I know in the way of balance. I just sent for the algaecal which is a different form of calcium so we'll see.

Good idea about the hormones, I'll go as soon as I feel up to it and ask her, the situation is here though is that GPs are reactive not proactive so she won't check unless I can come up with reasons for. Problem is I never go when I'm really sick so she only sees me on my better days. .all about the money honey.


Senior Member
South East England, UK
@maryb I am sure that Dr Myhill sells a mineral rich supplement for osteo sufferers that is inexpensive. I also agree with Ema that its definitely worth checking out your oestrogen level because this really does make a difference. Lots of studies show how oestrogen helps us to hang on to strong bones but unfortunately in the NHS these days its a dirty word.

My GP hates the fact that I am still taking 0.75 mcg Estrogel daily because I am 66 years old but I have very strong bones (DEXA scan) despite being on steroids for over 12 years now. She made me have an internal ultrasound to check the endometrium in the hope it would be a problem and I would have to come off it but in fact it turned out that there was very little difference between my lining and somebody not on oestrogen. I think this might be because I had a low level of hormones for many years prior to menopause due to a mild Sheehan's Syndrome which causes problems with the HPA axis.

I am sure you will be able to improve your bone strength but I do think its probably a combo of things that are needed.
