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New blog by Jamie Deckoff-Jones


Senior Member
Thank you very much for posting currer - an eye opener - and just marvellous to see where we are at - current thinking.


Senior Member
If J D-J is right the WPI will have enemies because their findings will lead to a revolution in the medical world.

There will also be repercussions for gene therapy - so a lot of money could potentially be lost.


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
And... they do have enemies... I don't know if what she says is true or not, but i agree it's very explosive. This would be very big. I guess we just have to see where it goes and try to make sure the truth will be found and made public. No matter what it will be, there is no excuse for wanting it to disappear and just ignoring it. You can't let people be sick.


Seems like a moving target to me. As the blog has evolved, the theory seems to have shifted (to me). One recent blog post, she said she thought about going off ARVs but decided to keep the status quo. So what retrovirus goes into latency with six months of treatment? And why all these strains? Are we assuming they're all from different vaccines? It's starting to sound vaguer and vaguer to me. But we shall see.

liquid sky

Senior Member
The studies of Andrew Mason showing a connection between a retrovirus and primary biliary cirrhosis are very interesting. Already showing promise for treatment with an antiretroviral drug, developed for HIV.

I think you are right about there being a lot of "strains" or different retroviruses involved, jenbooks. If it was just one single agent, we would see a much more homogenous disease in ME. The puzzle would have been solved by now too. I am glad she is able to speak openly without others threatening her sabotaging the WPI.


Senior Member
The studies of Andrew Mason showing a connection between a retrovirus and primary biliary cirrhosis are very interesting. Already showing promise for treatment with an antiretroviral drug, developed for HIV.

I think you are right about there being a lot of "strains" or different retroviruses involved, jenbooks. If it was just one single agent, we would see a much more homogenous disease in ME. The puzzle would have been solved by now too. I am glad she is able to speak openly without others threatening her sabotaging the WPI.

Which drug would that be? Link?


liquid sky

Senior Member
Truvada and Kaletra are the drugs planned for the study. The link is above posted by curer. It is part of Dr. Deckoff-Jones' blog.