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Much increased allergic rhinitis after eye surgery


Senior Member
It seems an odd idea - to link allergic rhinitis with eye surgery, but this is what I am concluding for myself. I certainly have had incidents of allergic rhinitis, and I often seem to get it at the end of a cold virus or other kind of virus, (the immune system seems to be vulnerable at that time) but this time it relates to me having an operation for a detached retina some 8 weeks ago.

I suspect that the reason for the trigger is the eye drops I was given afterwards - one week of antibiotics, 2 weeks of steroids, and 4 weeks of eye pressure drops. They affected my stomach via trickling down the tear duct (I now know you can prevent this by pressing on the corner of the eye for a couple of minutes, but didn't know this at the time). I try to avoid pharmaceutical meds normally but given the op, felt I could not risk avoiding them on this occasion.

Since the op, I have had repeated spells of allergic rhinitis, so bad that on one occasion my vision blurred and I could not see the eye chart and thought my sight had deteriorated. Also I have had a whole week of a virus, and another week of a cold which then morphed into the allergic rhinitis again so in fact the immune system generally seems to have shifted into overdrive. It is still with me and worse as I wake, so I am now trying to clean up my bedroom as much as I can, and try various other non pharmaceutical support methods.

Any other thoughts on this, and ideas to help, gratefully accepted. I do not want to take more pharmaceuticals if I can help it though.


Senior Member
Thank @Alexi - all pretty much gone now!! Of course I didn't know about the mast cells issues at that point...... I could have done with not having another 2 dollops of eye drops put in last week though, as I think that set me back a bit in other respects too.

Also I didn't realise that part of the reason for the chart being blurred was me getting the cataract post op. So that's another op to come, but not this year.