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MRC awards the psychiatric department at King's College a third of a million for CFS research


Rebel without a biscuit
I think we should discuss this proposed study from the perspective of who's doing it and then write up the results of the study for ourselves and see how closely they match what we expected they would find given that they probably already know the outcome as well.

Hint: the people who were more likely to experience prolonged fatigue after treatment for infection were people who were deconditioned, whingers, marginalised people who felt entitled to things other people had but couldn't get for themselves and on and on.

Oh, and the self fulfilling result. People who actually do get ME after an acute infection and find they cannot function as normal will not spring back to previous levels of functioning therefore they make themselves sick by resting too much and not getting on with things when 'not feeling 100%'


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
'Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a medical condition in which patients feel persistently and overwhelmingly tired and run down, both physically and mentally'


Can someone tell me what diagnostic criteria ever had used these words for ME/ CFS/ SEID?

Run down? If you mean that I feel like I got run down by a huge truck then maybe sort of.

I'll just think happy thoughts and have a rest and I'll be cured. And talk to a shrink if course.


Senior Member
I think we should discuss this proposed study from the perspective of who's doing it and then write up the results of the study for ourselves and see how closely they match what we expected they would find given that they probably already know the outcome as well.

I think they will conclude that personality factors determine who stays sick. They will conclude this from some correlation that they will interpret in a specific way without considering alternatives, and it will all rely heavily on vague questionnaires that they claim measure personality factors but which could be measuring a number of things. It will all fit nicely into their model and further support its validity as well as the use of CBT. Any biological findings will be sidelined but they probably won't find anything due to making little effort to find something in the first place.


Senior Member
I think you are supposed to say something like 'this resembles CFS, which is also believed to persist after the infective/immune trigger has been eliminated.'

Of course, I learnt that from reading dozens and dozens of scientific papers, so perhaps I am expecting too much.

'this resembles CFS, which is also believed to persist after the infective/immune trigger has been seemingly eliminated.'

'cos we don't know if the initial triggering infection has really been 'eliminated' (one never really eliminates herpes viruses as one example) or just gone dormant and causing trouble from its hiding place... just one possibility ...


Senior Member
The Attack of the Psycho-Zombies IVIIVX: Return of the Return of the Return of the great-great-great-great grandson of the Psycho-Zombie.


Senior Member
northern Maine
"Run down" wouldn't exactly be my choice of words for the metabolic, autonomic and immunological dysfunction I'm dealing with...

Yeah, the whole thing reminds me of a Geritol commercial, the stuff that sponsored "The Lawrence Welk Show" about 50 years ago. Their pitch "iron-poor tired blood" would be right at home with the psychobabblers.