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Mold vs. EMF


Senior Member
In so far as someone could......what are some really ad hoc ways to distinguish mold sensitivity from emf sensitivity. If I could try this I think it could help me sort out what I'm dealing with.

Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty open to the idea of having either problem, but I've always been really resistant to EMF stuff. Only till lately do I have a real strong suspicion.

I couldn't find mold well for the most part besides a little bit on the vents that I cleaned off. I even stay at one place that had mold damage and I don't have issues at that place compared to here. (The other area has been remediated a lot and should be fixable completely).

For instance, and this is the best hunch I really have, I don't get asthma or respiratory or sinus issues at all. I don't even get colds or flues. No red eyes, no tingling numb face, none of that stuff. It's all super fatigue and brain fog and memory loss.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
I watched a vid from Dietrich Klinghardt where he referred to a small experiment. 2 petri dishes of mold left on a desk in small room. One enclosed w/ Farraday cage, the other not. A week later, the caged dish was the same, the other had multiplied like mad. Suggesting EMFs will amplify any mold problems.


Senior Member
@Sam7777 . Depending on where you live, can you find a place where you are surrounded by stone walls ( that hinders radiation to pass); a building or in nature? Or can you find a kind of Faraday´s box to stay in as a test?

FWIW, I´ve shared hundreds of stories from people who got electrical hypersensitive and beside living with mold, also high exposure to mercury released from old glass thermometres and very old mirrors, amalgam fillings, organic phosphates, solvents, chemicals from computers and office machines are among the exposures that have caused EHS. So be careful with other toxic substances than from mold too.


Senior Member
To be honest I think I'm going to take to living outside in a tent. Well sort of. Sleeping outside and working outside mostly. I'm getting rid of the severe offenders inside the house so I can cook and what not.

I have to gerry rig some tent set up in a blind spot/low emf area of the back yard. Thankfully I live in a mostly rural area.

But I'm concerned about the amount of emf my laptop puts off. I can hook up external display, external usb keyboard and mouse but it appears you are suppose to stick this thing that looks sort of like a metal spaghetti strainer on top of the laptop to block it out. I'd have to make custom slots for the cords to go through.

Then of course I'm worried about rain, and cords getting rained on.

And I don't know if I'm suppose to sleep on the ground or how that's gonna work out. But there's too much issue with indoor air quality and emfs. Putting a kill switch on my house's lights isn't an option because it's not just me living there.

Sleep is tricky. I have this other place I sleep out that hasn't had the DECT phone, and its got a REALLY dark REALLY cold REALLY soft matress 'cave' and I sleep so much better. But evidently you're not suppose to sleep without a kill switch to the inside power.

This stuff gets complicated.