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Miracle swim cure


Senior Member
the city
I have a bizarre symptom and a bizarre treatment for it, and I'm curious whether anyone has related experiences. I sometimes have a great deal of difficulty walking. It's as though my feet weigh a thousand pounds, or as if my brain can't quite communicate right with my legs. I don't have any obvious neurological stuff like tingling, and neurologists have said that I'm neurologically normal. It's somewhat worse on my left than my right, and it can come on rather suddenly and dramatically, leaving me stranded if I'm out.

So here's the bizarre cure: If I go swimming in the middle of an episode, it cures me for the rest of the day. It doesn't take a lot of swimming, either: a single lap, I think, would do it. I feel it working in the first few strokes. I stagger to the pool, barely able to make it at all, creeping forward a couple of inches and grunting with effort at each step, I swim for a few minutes, and then I get out and walk away normally.

It doesn't work prophylactically: If I swim in the morning, I may well have an episode later in the day.

The other thing that makes a difference is massage of my lower back and buttocks, but it's not as effective. It doesn't last as long and it's not as complete.

So, anyone have any similar experiences?

Hey GIrl do u have fibromyalgia by any chance?


Senior Member
hi there, i'm quite new to this site. i've been posting a few times on the alternative therapy section and then noticed this thread. i'm a male in my 50s and had me since just before i was 20. i've made a big effort over the years to travel a bit, trying to enjoy holidays in southern europe. Although i didn't really feel any better on the holiday as a whole i'd always found going in the sea REALLY invigorating, just splashing about in the waves. you don't have to swim, it certainly worked for me. shame it's not more long lasting. would be interesting to know what changes in the body are taking place!


Senior Member
i noticed the same in me...but i think it's because of the freshness or cold water that immediatly changes blood circulation..in fact when i go in to cold-fresh water i feel much better and also in winter When it's cold i feel better. i saw a video on youtube of a guy with multiples sclerosis wich showed him before swimming with evident impairment in moving and after swimming in the sea he went out the water and it look normal!!!! infact he couldn'y explain this strange thing and was asking for every doctor watching that video to take in consideration this strange matter.