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Methylcobalamin Inhalation Therapy


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Hi @Freddd
Sounds as Fantastic model. but as we know in vitro vs in vivo behaviors are quite different. why take a chance, why keep the source of the problem within us, we can just remove the source of the problem that is Amalgam, to rule out ambiguity. as its costs about $300-400 per tooth. which is worth while investment in long run. Especially when things are not favoring us and rule out every possible source of the problem.

The behaviors of the body we are observing from these things are in vivo. The model I was using was simply calculating different rates from the observed effects and asking the question, "Can mercury destroy the MeCbl fast enough to cause symptoms." One of the problems is that very fast loss of MeCbl after taking it and absorbed in any quantity. Basically between the short serum halflife of the MeCbl and the slowness with which Hg destroys MeCbl in the body, So if you have an extra xx thousands of dollars to remove mercury for essentially zero effect on MeCbl that is your privilege. When I was in the group health consulting dentists were disciplined for doing things like that. I have no idea why you are throwing in vivo vs in vitro into this since it is all based on human results in the body. And IF B12 is destroyed by Hg, it also then does it slowly enough not to cause any toxicity and symptoms and the MeCbl eventually removes it from the body slowly without ever getting near to the toxic levels becasue of MeCbl.

We have at least 4 items that cause the "symptoms within hours" from destroying MeCbl rapidly, within the serum half-life of MeCbl. While the damage Hg causes over the long resembles MeCbl deficiency symptoms over the long run at 80%, and maybe that is Hg slowly destroying MeCbl at the 6 mcg a day a usual diet provides, it does not demonstrate the abiltiy for rapid destruction of a 1mg dose or larger. This rapid destruction would have methyltrap symptoms, as does cyanide, glutathione, bismuth that gets into the blood serum and arsenic. There is no resemblance of Hg to the other 4 in their MeCbl reactions. .

"Especially when things are not favoring us and rule out every possible source of the problem". Make the wrong assumptions and understandings and one has an unsolvable problem. I had over 100 doctors unable to recognize severe b12 and folate deficiencies right in front of their eyes. For 5 years of deterioration my doctors could not recognize copper deficiency, as the serum level was above the low end of range. I matched upo the symptoms and tried it, by reading the same studies that others use tro not find the answers. Going on symptoms, severe symptoms like subacute combined degeneration and my gums falling apart and having to get dentures on top, I was able to stop the loss of lowers, the reversal of varicose veins, sleep disorders returning, abnormal fatigue returning, I could tell in four hours that the copper was working. After 5 years and no satisfaction with continued deterioration, the very first dose of copper demonstrated the deficiency. Make the right assumptions then many of the problems can be fixed. Get the assumptions wrong and you will never solve the problem.

The problem is that the basis of so much of our nutritional knowledge is just plain wrong. Recently for instance I developed a returning set of symptoms. I found out what it was, 80mcg of "folate" in soy milk. Did you know that 80 mcg of "folate (folic acid or veggy folate) can cause folate deficiency symptoms in some people. I didn't until now. Now I have stopped the soy milk and the symptoms started changing in less than a day. It's not easy or there wouldn't be so many sick people. Putting 1%folate and 1%B12 in the place of 100%Folate and 100%B12 (activity wise on sym[ptoms) and then twell people that these barely actiove forms of the viotamins are adequate and ignore 200 symptoms making them orphans the people with these symptoms are BLAMED for their diseases of being pin-point starved to death by ineffective forms of the vitamins. I can't eat white flour products, milk products and too many vegetables or it makes be sick, pin -point starvation.

Be careful of your assumptions. Good luck.
The behaviors of the body we are observing from these things are in vivo. The model I was using was simply calculating different rates from the observed effects and asking the question, "Can mercury destroy the MeCbl fast enough to cause symptoms." One of the problems is that very fast loss of MeCbl after taking it and absorbed in any quantity. Basically between the short serum halflife of the MeCbl and the slowness with which Hg destroys MeCbl in the body, So if you have an extra xx thousands of dollars to remove mercury for essentially zero effect on MeCbl that is your privilege. When I was in the group health consulting dentists were disciplined for doing things like that. I have no idea why you are throwing in vivo vs in vitro into this since it is all based on human results in the body. And IF B12 is destroyed by Hg, it also then does it slowly enough not to cause any toxicity and symptoms and the MeCbl eventually removes it from the body slowly without ever getting near to the toxic levels becasue of MeCbl.

We have at least 4 items that cause the "symptoms within hours" from destroying MeCbl rapidly, within the serum half-life of MeCbl. While the damage Hg causes over the long resembles MeCbl deficiency symptoms over the long run at 80%, and maybe that is Hg slowly destroying MeCbl at the 6 mcg a day a usual diet provides, it does not demonstrate the abiltiy for rapid destruction of a 1mg dose or larger. This rapid destruction would have methyltrap symptoms, as does cyanide, glutathione, bismuth that gets into the blood serum and arsenic. There is no resemblance of Hg to the other 4 in their MeCbl reactions. .

"Especially when things are not favoring us and rule out every possible source of the problem". Make the wrong assumptions and understandings and one has an unsolvable problem. I had over 100 doctors unable to recognize severe b12 and folate deficiencies right in front of their eyes. For 5 years of deterioration my doctors could not recognize copper deficiency, as the serum level was above the low end of range. I matched upo the symptoms and tried it, by reading the same studies that others use tro not find the answers. Going on symptoms, severe symptoms like subacute combined degeneration and my gums falling apart and having to get dentures on top, I was able to stop the loss of lowers, the reversal of varicose veins, sleep disorders returning, abnormal fatigue returning, I could tell in four hours that the copper was working. After 5 years and no satisfaction with continued deterioration, the very first dose of copper demonstrated the deficiency. Make the right assumptions then many of the problems can be fixed. Get the assumptions wrong and you will never solve the problem.

The problem is that the basis of so much of our nutritional knowledge is just plain wrong. Recently for instance I developed a returning set of symptoms. I found out what it was, 80mcg of "folate" in soy milk. Did you know that 80 mcg of "folate (folic acid or veggy folate) can cause folate deficiency symptoms in some people. I didn't until now. Now I have stopped the soy milk and the symptoms started changing in less than a day. It's not easy or there wouldn't be so many sick people. Putting 1%folate and 1%B12 in the place of 100%Folate and 100%B12 (activity wise on sym[ptoms) and then twell people that these barely actiove forms of the viotamins are adequate and ignore 200 symptoms making them orphans the people with these symptoms are BLAMED for their diseases of being pin-point starved to death by ineffective forms of the vitamins. I can't eat white flour products, milk products and too many vegetables or it makes be sick, pin -point starvation.

Be careful of your assumptions. Good luck.

Hi @Freddd please dont get me wrong, i know you have spent decades experimenting and finding your way through, 3 weeks back i was in a terrible soup with paradoxical folate deficiency ( spaciness, pins and needles etc ) soi tried pushing folate to 80mg, with no relief, no one on any forum was able to give right hint, than i stopped ALA for a day and i felt good. then i learnt ALA was the culprit, and it was stirring up Mercury, Hope you agree ALA chelates mercury, this lead me to a small hypothesis i wanted to test with minimal cost and time ( later i found more evidence from Dr Amys protocol and Cutler). will keep you posted of any progress.

Edit: if you see Dr Amys methylation pathway diagram Mercury inhibits b12 recycling and sits exactly at MTR/MTRR junction.
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Senior Member
@suraj Yes, I believe ALA (in the Life Extensions 2-a-day supplement I'd been taking for about 6 weeks) is what caused some problems for me -- sleep problems, nighttime agitation, etc. Similar to the symptoms I had before starting MeCbl.

@Freddd, very interesting information! So you're talking mostly about mercury destroying MeCbl, and saying it can't be causing problems because it happens so slowly, yes? But if you have a constant influx of Hg into your system, it can't be good for you. And maybe that Hg influx might explain why some of us have such a high MeCbl demand?

Related question: If MeCbl is methylating the Hg, and then carrying it out of the body via bile, does that mean that high-dose MeCbl is doing a modestly good job of removing the body load of Hg? Maybe not chelating it at the rate that ALA does, but maybe it does it more gently too. (Since MeCbl eases my symptoms, as opposed to ALA which seems to cause symptoms by "stirring up" the mercury.) So e.g. if I got my amalgams removed (removing the constant influx of Hg), and did NOT start chelating with anything but just continued my high-dose MeCbl regimen, would that slowly and gently clean the Hg out of my body? Or is the ALA chelation route still required to reduce the mercury load?

I don't know for sure that Hg is causing any/all of my problems. But the symptoms fit pretty well, and the fact that ALA stirred up some symptoms (which then vanished within a day or so of removing the ALA) does make me very suspicious.

PS: Holy @%@#!!! I had no idea methylcobalamin's molar mass was 6x more than **mercury** !! Obviously it's not as dense as mercury, but the molecule is so freakin' huge that the molar weight is really high. 63 carbons, 91 hydrogens, 13 nitrogens, 14 oxygens, one phosphorus and one cobalt... it adds up!


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
@suraj Yes, I believe ALA (in the Life Extensions 2-a-day supplement I'd been taking for about 6 weeks) is what caused some problems for me -- sleep problems, nighttime agitation, etc. Similar to the symptoms I had before starting MeCbl.

@Freddd, very interesting information! So you're talking mostly about mercury destroying MeCbl, and saying it can't be causing problems because it happens so slowly, yes? But if you have a constant influx of Hg into your system, it can't be good for you. And maybe that Hg influx might explain why some of us have such a high MeCbl demand?

Related question: If MeCbl is methylating the Hg, and then carrying it out of the body via bile, does that mean that high-dose MeCbl is doing a modestly good job of removing the body load of Hg? Maybe not chelating it at the rate that ALA does, but maybe it does it more gently too. (Since MeCbl eases my symptoms, as opposed to ALA which seems to cause symptoms by "stirring up" the mercury.) So e.g. if I got my amalgams removed (removing the constant influx of Hg), and did NOT start chelating with anything but just continued my high-dose MeCbl regimen, would that slowly and gently clean the Hg out of my body? Or is the ALA chelation route still required to reduce the mercury load?

I don't know for sure that Hg is causing any/all of my problems. But the symptoms fit pretty well, and the fact that ALA stirred up some symptoms (which then vanished within a day or so of removing the ALA) does make me very suspicious.

PS: Holy @%@#!!! I had no idea methylcobalamin's molar mass was 6x more than **mercury** !! Obviously it's not as dense as mercury, but the molecule is so freakin' huge that the molar weight is really high. 63 carbons, 91 hydrogens, 13 nitrogens, 14 oxygens, one phosphorus and one cobalt... it adds up!

Hi Gary,

I wanted to reply on the mercury. ALA does a lot of things as well as aiding the carnitine get fat to the mitochondria. As regards B12 and mercury. High loads of mercury causes a lot of symptoms, 80% of which are consistent with B12 deficiency. The big problem is that we are mostly speaking of circulating B12 which is mostly MeCbl, the most vulnerable, and at 1000 pg/ml comes out to 5 mcg in circulation. My 3x10mg injections give a tested >220,000 pg/ml. If there is sufficient MeCbl in circulation the removal rate can be up to 1% of the mercury per day. I wrote models of this to see how much mercury could be removed per day. 1% per day reduces 50% in 71 days. That cobalamin is a huge molecule and CH4 is a very small part of it so it takes a whale of an amount of MeCbl. I posted the results form that model, run at 3 doses, looking at the accumulating mercury which increases a little at first and then stabilizing and then decreasing, The accumulations never came anywhere near having any perceivable toxic symptoms from research of what levels cause symptoms In fact becasue of the tiny amount of CH4 available the whole process is painfully slow. The important thing is for it not to cause B12 deficiency by not having enough MeCbl. I wanted to make sure that I wasn't getting in trouble using an admittedly huge dose. I take selenium which neutralizes the mercury taking it out of the running for causing B12 deficiency by locking up the mercury in a stable compound. Somewhere on this site is a post with all the mercury-MeCbl models were posted. It would be interesting to see it again. What has clobbered me is a refeeding syndrome deficiency of copper that no doctors recognized and it cost me half my teeth so far, liver damage a, neurological damage. That was from healing. I wasn't taking enough copper and eventually the 2 mg that the liver stores was gone. It was a close call and took a change in type of copper to beat it. Hope things are going well for you guys too. AN interesting side note, my PSA dropped >50% with the restoration of the copper and boron and manganese (also deficient for same reason) for a few weeks before the test along with the liver healing. This is real classic refeeding syndrome. Fist it screws with the major nutrients, then the micro. The micronutrient symptoms are overshadowed by methylation-ATP deficiency symptoms. After they are gone, then the micronutrients pop up all over the place. It looks like a successive stage of healing. I reached the mythical last folate deficiency symptom, you know like the mythical last bug in a program. I now have a full range of l-methylfolate data.


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
Sorry for posting to a slightly dated thread. I looked up the Scientific Botanicals B12 hydroxocobalamin mentioned here but it's no longer listed. Instead I came across an FDA letter which I took as a sort of warning not to believe all claims made by a company about their B12 product! It's quite a disappointment really.


Hi swatch - It seems like they made claims that some of the supplements they sell can treat diseases. In the U.S. only sellers of drugs, can make claims that they can treat disease.

Even if the supplement can treat a disease, it's against the law to say that. There are many supplements that have scientific studies to back up the fact that they work to treat diseases but nobody can legally make that claim in the U.S.

Of course there are many people that sell supps. that make false claims about them also. I don't know how accurate the claims made by this company are, about there supps treating disease but I always do a lot of research before I by a supplement to treat my CFS. This is from the FDA letter-

FDA reviewed your websites at the Internet addresses www.scientific-botanicals.com and www.licrogel.com, in November 2014, and has determined that you take orders there for the products “ANANABROM™,” “ANANACUR™,” “CURLONGA™,” “HYDROXO-12™,” “K-QUINONE™,” “MAXIFLAV™,” “PEPLIC™,” “ZINC-PLUS™,” “FOLIRINSE™,” “Licrogel,” “PANTEX,” “AMPEX,” “DOXIGEL,” “CRATOXY™,” “NatexHIP™,” “NatexROOT™,” “beta-PLEX™,” “CYSTASEPTIC™,” “ECHINACEA,” and “TRI-QUENCH™” products, which the websites promote for conditions that cause the products to be drugs under section 201(g)(1)(B) of the Act [21 U.S.C. § 321(g)(1)(B)].



Senior Member
Can someone give me a step by step tutorial on how to create a vape with these vitamins?
Vitamins b1, b2, b5, b6, b7, b9, b12? And maybe Vitamin A and Vitamin E? I know there was a problem with vaping vitamin E so would that also include vitamin A and or all fat soluble vitamins? I wonder why vitamin E caused lung problems, could it have been the dosages or because it's attached to acetate?
And what dosages do I need that would be comparable to injecting them?


Senior Member
I wonder why vitamin E caused lung problems, could it have been the dosages or because it's attached to acetate?

My understanding is that vitamin E acetate is an incredibly sticky substance like glue, and it's thought it sticks to the lung surface blocking oxygen uptake. Whether other forms of vitamin E also have this properly, I am not sure.


Senior Member
How can I make my own vitamin inhaler with a vape? Doesn't the vitamin have to be a particular small size equivalent of oxygen for the lungs to be able to absorb it? And aren't the ones in supplements meant for oral use pretty big? Would I need to use a sublingual one? And can I use b vitamins that aren't just pure b12 but also contains other ingredients? Or would it cause it too be to heavy to lift with or is the b12 lifted alone trough the vape? Does putting mixing the vitamins in water break them down to a small molecule how long how much? Or do I use vegetable glycerin instead why do you need that specifically what does it do?

Also vitamin E doesn't even dissolve in pure water so how do people die from it doesn't it even need to be absorbed?
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Senior Member
Also don't they vitamins have to be synthesized aromas or is that just for the smell/taste? Do you bypass the microscopic particle size of the vitamin because it has to go trough the lungs first before being released into the blood thus converted? with straight injection your body doesn't convert it to a small usable size? also why are nebusilators loud in action but not vapes?

(edit) and water boils at 100C/212F, what temperature is vapor created? could the heat possibly destroy the vitamins overtime?

''And heat harms the potency and effectiveness of a variety of vitamins and other nutrients. Degradation generally starts to occur in foods or beverages exposed to heat of greater than 120 degrees (49C) Fahrenheit. ''
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Senior Member
Salt Lake City
@suraj Yes, I believe ALA (in the Life Extensions 2-a-day supplement I'd been taking for about 6 weeks) is what caused some problems for me -- sleep problems, nighttime agitation, etc. Similar to the symptoms I had before starting MeCbl.

@Freddd, very interesting information! So you're talking mostly about mercury destroying MeCbl, and saying it can't be causing problems because it happens so slowly, yes? But if you have a constant influx of Hg into your system, it can't be good for you. And maybe that Hg influx might explain why some of us have such a high MeCbl demand?

Related question: If MeCbl is methylating the Hg, and then carrying it out of the body via bile, does that mean that high-dose MeCbl is doing a modestly good job of removing the body load of Hg? Maybe not chelating it at the rate that ALA does, but maybe it does it more gently too. (Since MeCbl eases my symptoms, as opposed to ALA which seems to cause symptoms by "stirring up" the mercury.) So e.g. if I got my amalgams removed (removing the constant influx of Hg), and did NOT start chelating with anything but just continued my high-dose MeCbl regimen, would that slowly and gently clean the Hg out of my body? Or is the ALA chelation route still required to reduce the mercury load?

I don't know for sure that Hg is causing any/all of my problems. But the symptoms fit pretty well, and the fact that ALA stirred up some symptoms (which then vanished within a day or so of removing the ALA) does make me very suspicious.

PS: Holy @%@#!!! I had no idea methylcobalamin's molar mass was 6x more than **mercury** !! Obviously it's not as dense as mercury, but the molecule is so freakin' huge that the molar weight is really high. 63 carbons, 91 hydrogens, 13 nitrogens, 14 oxygens, one phosphorus and one cobalt... it adds up!

One addition to make since this was made. Selenium was used in a study and they found that selenium could stop mercury toxic symptoms in hours. However it was well known that selenium reacts with mercury and makes it an "ash" that is inactive;.

In my trials I found sublingual MeCbl absorption to be 10-33% in 45 to 120 minutes of sublingual holding. Nasal absorption in a saline solution 20 mg/ml the closest I could come to it was about 3% in 24 hours. The chewed oral and swallowed as much as 10 mcg via tissue absorption and IF active system in stomach and upper intestine below stomach. I can't imagine our evolution putting TCR-Li in the lungs instead of in the mouth where meat containing B12 is eaten and chewed for a while.
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Senior Member
DAMN its not working for me guys! What am I doing wrong? Is it because I'm not using pure vitamins? this is what I use https://www.solgar.com/products/sublingual-liquid-b12-2000mcg-b-complex/ and the vape I use is https://www.ecigarettedirect.co.uk/aspire-pockex-ecig-kit

I've used the B complex and the dropper has touched my mouth as I was placing the vitamins in there, could the mouth bacteria have been followed with the dropper as I put it back into the bottle and ruined the vitamins? howd u make yours work?

Im gonna use a nebulizer MESH last time I used a liquid that was too thick fat soluble and the worse one of the nebuls and no carrier. with VG oil and the supplement. Do I need the proper form of these compounds, and with a properly manufactured preparation (including sterilization) for it to work?
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Senior Member
Salt Lake City
DAMN its not working for me guys! What am I doing wrong? Is it because I'm not using pure vitamins? this is what I use https://www.solgar.com/products/sublingual-liquid-b12-2000mcg-b-complex/ and the vape I use is https://www.ecigarettedirect.co.uk/aspire-pockex-ecig-kit

I've used the B complex and the dropper has touched my mouth as I was placing the vitamins in there, could the mouth bacteria have been followed with the dropper as I put it back into the bottle and ruined the vitamins? howd u make yours work?

Im gonna use a nebulizer MESH last time I used a liquid that was too thick fat soluble and the worse one of the nebuls and no carrier. with VG oil and the supplement. Do I need the proper form of these compounds, and with a properly manufactured preparation (including sterilization) for it to work?

Of course not. Like most tissues absorption might be as much as 1% or 2% in a day (10 mcg per 24 hours
), Nasal tissues are poor absorbent of B12. So is lung tissue. The stomach helps out the intestines with IF for active absorbent, maybe 10 mcg per 24 hours.

Sublingual Transcobalamin Receptor -Li in the mouth can absorb up to 10-30 mcg per minute. I tdid housands of trials I made I use of under the tongue and lip absorb 10-33% range, 15% - 25% typical in 45-120 minutes. in an N=1000 trial 75% of people with the symptoms felt the difference in 5 to 10 minutes after starting and increasing for an hour.


Senior Member
1. If the B vitamin liquid supplement is a sublingual how does your body break off the EXcipients/fillers that are attached to the molecule vitamins in just the mouth? Simply with saliva? So can you use it to break down and separate the fillers from the B vitamins?

2. All vitamins are small molecules by default but because the supplement contains fillers which attached themselves to the vitamins because of the procedure cause it to become and big sized one collective. If they are collective it has to first be broken down into individual atoms, so the b vitamins have to be separated from the fillers otherwise if it gets directly into the body you won't be able to use it.

3. So a Nebulizer breaks them down the atoms (vitamins and fillers in supplement) into small enough particle size your lungs can absorb, but the fillers are still attached to the vitamins, so can your lungs then separate them as it does with oxygen in air? Even pure B vitamin like just b12 and alcohol because alcohol is not produced by the body so once in the blood directly from injection together with b12 it will not do separate them as your body doesn't recognize alcohol which has changed the structure of the b12 which also changed the b12 into a big particle size. Therefore it has to go trough the gut system. But my idea here is WHAT IF the lungs (similarly to the gut) can also separate them into individual pieces as in detach the vitamins and recognize the essentialness of it therefore absorb it into the blood while exhaling the fillers? I guess your body absorbs everything including the fillers because it does when people smoke nicotine which isn't found in the body naturally. But the main thing here is that your lungs can separate the vitamins from the fillers once the nebulizer has made them into a small particle size? Am I missing anything?

suspension is basically a liquid that contains small particles of a substance "in suspension." A suspension is rarely the preferred formulation, but if the drug is not freely soluble in the liquid vehicle (preferred), then a suspension is the second choice. Nebulized corticosteroids are formulated like this because of their highly lipophilic nature. a "vitamin" must separate from the excipients to become biologically active. However, an exception might include certain drugs that rely on a carrier molecule to cross a membrane.

I was thinking of using B vitamin PATCHES or transdermal ones which needs to be without weird fillers and the particle size has to be small so it can penetrate trough skin. So its like a ready formation.
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Senior Member
Salt Lake City
1. If the B vitamin liquid supplement is a sublingual how does your body break off the EXcipients/fillers that are attached to the molecule vitamins in just the mouth? Simply with saliva? So can you use it to break down and separate the fillers from the B vitamins?

2. All vitamins are small molecules by default but because the supplement contains fillers which attached themselves to the vitamins because of the procedure cause it to become and big sized one collective. If they are collective it has to first be broken down into individual atoms, so the b vitamins have to be separated from the fillers otherwise if it gets directly into the body you won't be able to use it.

3. So a Nebulizer breaks them down the atoms (vitamins and fillers in supplement) into small enough particle size your lungs can absorb, but the fillers are still attached to the vitamins, so can your lungs then separate them as it does with oxygen in air? Even pure B vitamin like just b12 and alcohol because alcohol is not produced by the body so once in the blood directly from injection together with b12 it will not do separate them as your body doesn't recognize alcohol which has changed the structure of the b12 which also changed the b12 into a big particle size. Therefore it has to go trough the gut system. But my idea here is WHAT IF the lungs (similarly to the gut) can also separate them into individual pieces as in detach the vitamins and recognize the essentialness of it therefore absorb it into the blood while exhaling the fillers? I guess your body absorbs everything including the fillers because it does when people smoke nicotine which isn't found in the body naturally. But the main thing here is that your lungs can separate the vitamins from the fillers once the nebulizer has made them into a small particle size? Am I missing anything?

You are confused. In the oral mucosa there are normally what few TransCobalamin Receptor- Lithium remain in most people. In an N=1000 private study of those with lots of B12/folate deficiency symptoms they responded, 75% of them, withing 10 minutes in the neurology very noticably. Thousands of trials indicated 15-25% of nominal tablet dose can be absorbed in 45-120 minutes. Methycobalamin is about 1335 attomic mass for 1 molecule. AdoCbl is more like 1600 atomic weight. It took me 5 years to grow enough TCR-Li to delay urination of B12 from one hour to more than 24 hours. All (almost) mysteries of B12 are solved.

You hypotheses of B-vitamins and B12 are wrong. About 1 in 10 samples of B12 of whatever brands is very active and useful.

Be well, Fred



Senior Member
Supplements work ONLY because of the active ingredients in them. So why are almost all supplements on the market laden with in-active ones? Fillers, binders, anti-caking agents, lubricants, disintegrants, coating agents, sweeteners, colouring agents, flavouring agents. . . and this list is by no means complete. Terranova is one of only a small number of nutritional supplement companies in the world to completely avoid the use of these in-active manufacturing additives. So why are such additives (often referred to as excipients) used in the first place? In the production of tablets, certain additives are actually necessary – such as binders (to help the ingredients bind properly when the tablet is compressed). This is why all Terranova products are in either 2-piece vegetarian capsules, powder or liquid form, instead of tablets. In the case of 2-piece capsules, the use of additives is not necessary. However, because these additives make supplements easier, faster, cheaper and more profitable to manufacture than if you don’t use them, this probably accounts for why almost all of the encapsulated nutritional supplements on the market contain additives as well. In-active manufacturing additives run contrary to Terranova’s standards for product integrity and purity. Among the many reasons why we don’t use them, we feel very strongly that avoiding additives allows the activity of, and synergy between, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, plant enzymes and other beneficial compounds to be experienced in the most profound and intense way - i.e. without additional physiological or biochemical interference (which happens in the gut). At Terranova, our decision to completely avoid the use of in-active manufacturing additives underlines our deep commitment to putting product quality, purity and integrity above maximizing our own cost savings and manufacturing convenience.

Question is if there supplements contain NO fillers how does the ingredients survive? Damn I just realized. Even if it has no additives/fillers. it still has other ingredients that aren't vitamins like herbs in the supplement with the vitamins , therefore clumping them all up together. Unless they used a different way of putting it together.

Im gonna use this https://purevitaminclub.com/product/combo-pack-b-non-recurring/ or http://www.terranovahealth.com/product/terranovab-complex-with-vitamin-c/

it has one ingredient thats not essential to the body LAURATE but its attached to calcium which is found and essential to the body. More fillers less likely to work. Freebase vitamins.. vitamins in ampoules for injectable get destroyed so fast by sun heat and change colour.. every supplement has fillers unfourtunaly.. ALSO. If vitamin claims to have no fillers but is in a powder or tablet form, then it uses a filler to hold the vitamins in which is unnatural to the body and not found in the blood. Where as with injectable formulas always use liquid which is water found in the body.

solgar: natural flavorings in our Sublingual Liquid B-12 2000 mcg with B-Complex product are proprietary--or in other words confidential. Use this proprietary blend helps us deliver unique products at the best value to our customers
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