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Metabolic Profiling?


Senior Member
Does anyone know about metabolic profiling? my doctor is seeing my sister for advanced endometrial cancer and one of the treatments is hitting the sympathetic nervous system. I wonder if this is being triggered by some of the supplements we use for CFS and autism and if that's why some people do well and others do so horribly. Like maybe its behind why a vitamin that works great for me makes someone else anxious and vice versa? I became very agitated on B12 but did fine with methylfolate. But none of my methylation genes are a problem for using B12 so it seemed odd. My sister is very similar to me and our doc said for her nervous system, she shouldn't even take B12. At first I thought it was cuz she didn't want to "feed" the cancer but when she asked her about it, she said that people with this nervous system type didn't respond favorably to it but did great on methylfolate. She also increased her magnesium and added P5P since her genes came back. My sister is actually doing really well on her treatments and her last scan showed a 40% improvement! The oncologist was floored! Anyway, she got a hand out on the different types of nervous systems which explains alott! I'll have to start investigating the other docs who specialize in this stuff to see if there's any studies or anything.

I only remember basic things from A&P and pathophys about the Fight or Flight and Rest and Repair systems so can't speak knowledgeably on this topic. But it seems like it might explain alott about how we all react so differently to things like potassium, b12, methylfolate, an so on. I have a follow up in August but didn't want to wait that long to look into it and I'm sure she's outta the office for the holiday weekend now. Just curious if anyone had any experience with this?



Senior Member
My gf and I are on the metabolic type diet plus supplements. So far, amazing progress. I will create another thread soon (later), explaining this in depth. I think it has the potential to help a lot of people with CFS.

Good to hear your sister is improving. These treatments can be quite miraculous.

I think the B12 thing comes down to how well your MTR/MTRR cycle is doing and how it regulates the recycling of B12. I am not sure if there is a metabolic link to SNS/PNS dominance with the b12 genes unless there is perhaps a genetic correlation between dominant type and polymorphism.This remains to be seen, but it's possible. I would like to think it does...however there is a strong case for PNS/SNS dominance being a result of neural network templating rather than genetics. More on this later.


Senior Member
Well, my MTR/MTRRs are in pretty bad shape so I thought for sure I'd need a ton of B12 but when I repeatedly bottomed out on it and my doc said I shouldn't be on it, I finally gave up! Thats sorta what got me coming here. I didn't believe that I shouldn't be on b 12, that maybe she wasn't right about that so I should check out other things. Of course, since then I also realized she was right about my diet so I've done alott better now that I'm eating the right type of foods. Seems crazy but diet is the first road to health, I guess. Then there are so many other roads that its hard to know what to choose! But never really talked about typing so I guess I have more to learn