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Medication in blister packs - pharmacy woes

Wales uk
So once a month I am meant to get my medication delivered in blister packs so that my carers can give me my tablets.

This works fine until a GP changes a dose or my medication and then the only chemist in the area that does blister packs has a melt down.

Last week they refused to give me my new meds because the dr hadn't stopped old meds, this week they claimed my husband had the prescription (which was faxed to them by the GP) anyone else have problems with dealing with pharmacy and blister packs?


Senior Member
I don't get the blister packs, I'd have trouble opening them plus I want my supplements in the boxes too. So they deliver my meds and my support workers put it all into boxes, with my help or at least supervision. This means prising a lot of tablets out of individual foil blisters, which I can't do, and which takes my support workers ages. Plus the packaging takes up so much space! After much arguing with Boots, I've persuaded them to do this for us, at least for the main troublemakers. So now I get those meds delivered in little bottles. Much easier. Is that an option?


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I don't know about there but here, one of the medications I take comes in either blister packs or just pills for them to count out. I can't open them either so I prefer the individual pills.
Wales uk
Social services - I have council home care not agency - can only give me my meds if they come in the pre packed blister packs. Drives me batty. Can understand why but it's a policy that really doesn't work.