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May Awareness: Count ME In!


Off the fence
So far, the Count ME In! initiative has raised over $8,000 for the Whittemore Peterson Institute. While the Chase competition is uppermost in our minds right now, lets not forget this ongoing source of funding, generously given by people who have dug deep into their limited funds to help the WPI help us.

Count ME In! is a global event from your own home to shower the WPI with a gentle rain of tiny donations on or around each 20th of the month, to help the WPI continue with their work, finding the cause and cure of neuro-immune diseases.

Everyone counts. Not only every dollar but every donor. Those of us who can only give a little are still helping to swell the ranks of WPI supporters. So, when they go for a Foundation Grant, and the Foundation says, "can you show that you have support in the community?" WPI can say "Yes! Look at all these people who give to us every month, even if all they can afford to give is 1 or $1".*

Count ME In! Blog

Count ME In! facebook page

Count ME In! FB Causes Page here. Minimum donation still $10. There's a facility to easily tell your facebook friends about COUNT ME IN!

WPI DIRECT donation page Here you can donate by credit card or paypal, any amount from a dollar up. You can sign up to make a regular monthly donation using this link, but there isn't the facility to put "COUNT ME IN!" in the message to seller with the monthly donation option. If you choose this option, please let the CMI team know on their fb page so your contribution can be counted in.

As this is an international campaign, the 20th lasts at least 47 hours and 59 minutes. Actually, a day here or there is unimportant. If you use the direct link to the WPI donation page, you need to say "Count Me In!" in the message to seller, or let us know on facebook or by private message. Remember to let us know what name you donated under.

*Thanks to Creekfeet for the use of her words in this paragraph