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Lymphoid cells discovered in human spleen, essential for production of antibodies


Senior Member
Hopefully, this could pave the way for more effective drugs in the treatment of Lyme disease

Lymphoid cells discovered in human spleen, essential for production of antibodies
February 23, 2014
IMIM (Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute)
Researchers have discovered the presence of a novel subtype of innate lymphoid cells in human spleen essential for the production of antibodies. This discovery clears the path to the identification of novel strategies to develop more efficient vaccines against encapsulated bacteria, considered highly virulent. This research involved in vitro studies with isolated cells from human spleen samples and in vivo studies performed with different mice models.

Researchers have discovered the presence of a novel subtype of innate lymphoid cells in human spleen essential for the production of antibodies. This discovery, published in the journal Nature Immunology, clears the path to the identification of novel strategies to develop more efficient vaccines against encapsulated bacteria, considered highly virulent.

Innate lymphoid cells were recently described by the scientific community and represent the first line of immunological defence on our body surfaces, which are constantly exposed to bacteria, such as the intestine or skin. "For the first time it has been described both their presence and function in human spleen. We have discovered how these cells regulate the innate immune response of a subset of splenic B lymphocytes that are responsible to fight against encapsulated bacteria, causative agents of meningitis or pneumonia," says Dr. Giuliana Magri, member of the research group of B Cell Biology at IMIM and first author in the paper. This new finding improves our understanding on how the immune system protects us against infections.

"The current available vaccines against encapsulated bacteria confer only a limited protection in immunodeficient patients, and are too expensive to be implemented in developing countries. At the same time, we lack information on the underlying mechanisms that regulate B lymphocytes, which has been a major hurdle in the development of novel vaccine strategies. This makes the current discovery key in the design of novel more efficient and well-oriented therapies," concludes Dr. Andrea Cerutti.