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Live Autism Event- Friday, 30 April, 10:00 est


Senior Member
Columbus, OH
I know. I know. I know. Not ME/CFS BUT I do believe they are related. Last November, at the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, Tom Insel (NIH and chair of this committee), stated that they were HOT on XMRV. However I have not heard a word since. Just birds chirping. I will not be able to watch this this event (I have to work) but I am hoping some of you will be able to watch it and let some of the ME/CFS parents of children with autism know if they discussed XMRV. The last meeting (I believe in February) they did not mention XMRV but there was some great talks on epigenetics, CpG Islands, methylation, etc. It can still be viewed in the archives.

The IACC meeting will be today, Friday, 30 April 2010 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm est. I believe you can record it as well. Here is the link to the meeting:



Senior Member
Columbus, OH
Thank you Frickly! I just got back from work so I am going to turn it on now. Unfortunately, I think the last half is always the boring stuff. Will see.