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Just Fermented Milk?

Before forking out $700 for yoghurt that may help but makes some people feel worse, I am wondering if it is even necessary to buy. I quote from this: https://riordanclinic.org/2013/01/the-super-probiotic/

"Interestingly, the same enzymes used by the immune system to transform Gc into GcMAF appear to occur during fermentation of milk."

If this is so, then shouldn't all fermented milk products work similarly? Meaning, in this regard, the Bravo Yoghurt would be no different from others?

From the same link, it does go on to say:

"It is reasonable to assume that the many and various strains of bacterial cultures in fermented dairy and the ever-growing list of probiotic bacteria probably represent different levels of effectiveness in the production of these Gc-to-GcMAF transformative enzymes."

This is understandable, and given the research into it, it is probably fair to assume the Bravo Yoghurt and the specific probiotic strains included are better equipped for the purposes, but nonetheless, if the most important part of the process is the fermentation of milk, then it seems to me that all fermented milk products should work to some extent.

I ask this because I have had Yoghurt (Greek) nearly every night for the last few years with no noticeable benefit. So should I really expect to get that much more benefit from Bravo? Sure, the probiotic strains are different, but in terms of the GcMAF, they're both fermented milk...


Senior Member
Meaning, in this regard, the Bravo Yoghurt would be no different from others?
I tried some experiments using different strains but none seemed to work (if at all) any where close to the Bravo (then maf314). But there's some studies I read ages ago showing that certain yogurt strains by themselves should help improve cd8 count. I personally don't think it's just a matter of fermentation but the actual product of that fermentation which depends on strains.


Senior Member
I think a lot depends on what the beneficial bacterial count is. I know it tends to be quite low in probiotic yoghurts compared to probiotic supplements. Kefir is quite easy to make and much cheaper long term.
I tried some experiments using different strains but none seemed to work (if at all) any where close to the Bravo (then maf314). But there's some studies I read ages ago showing that certain yogurt strains by themselves should help improve cd8 count. I personally don't think it's just a matter of fermentation but the actual product of that fermentation which depends on strains.

My point was that if the GcMAF occurs in the fermentation of milk, then the probiotic strains that go with it shouldn't make much difference. However, while theory can be argued, results can not, so thank you for sharing that info on your experiments.

I think a lot depends on what the beneficial bacterial count is. I know it tends to be quite low in probiotic yoghurts compared to probiotic supplements. Kefir is quite easy to make and much cheaper long term.

Thanks Plum, I'll look into Kefir.


Senior Member
San Francisco
Yogurt is good for you, but it's not magic. Especially when the yogurt costs $700 and the people who are selling it say, "Interestingly, the same enzymes used by the immune system to transform Gc into GcMAF appear to occur during fermentation of milk." And what happens when those putative enzymes get into your gut? Do they survive the acidity of the stomach? Are they digested? Or do they do some good?

When yogurt was first examined by Western scientists, it seemed special because people who consumed their dairy in fermented form were less likely to suffer the diseases that were transmitted by raw milk, especially in hot weather. It's not reasonable to quote the scientists of 100 years ago in light of what we know today.