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Johnson & Johnson to pay $72m in case linking baby powder to ovarian cancer


Senior Member

Johnson & Johnson to pay $72m in case linking baby powder to ovarian cancer

A Missouri jury has awarded $72m to the family of a woman who died from ovarian cancer, which she said was caused by using Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder and other products containing talcum...

..In the trial, Fox’s attorneys introduced into evidence a September 1997 internal memo from a Johnson & Johnson medical consultant suggesting that “anybody who denies [the] risks” between “hygenic” talc use and ovarian cancer would be publicly perceived in the same light as those who denied a link between smoking cigarettes and cancer: “Denying the obvious in the face of all evidence to the contrary.”

Interesting. Evironmental causes to disease. Johnson Baby power, who would have thought. Though I doubt it will stand on remand.


Senior Member
I'd like to see J&J pay out to all the victims of Levaquin next but it will never happen.