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Intrinsic Factor Supplement

heard of Intrinsic Factor Supplement

  • yes

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • no

    Votes: 13 65.0%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Looks like an interesting new concept in vitamin B12 supplements: a B12 product which contains 20 mg of intrinsic factor as well as 500 mg of vitamin B12.

Intrinsic factor is secreted by the parietal cells of the stomach, and is necessary for the absorption of vitamin B12 in the digestive tract. Because only small amounts of intrinsic factor are secreted in the stomach during each meal, this limits how much B12 can be absorbed: only around 2 mcg of B12 can be absorbed in the gut per meal. Ref: 1

But by including extra intrinsic factor within the B12 supplement itself, this should allow more B12 to be orally absorbed.

However, it is unclear just how this supplement might compare to sublingual vitamin B12 tablets, in terms of the amount of B12 absorbed into the body.

ME/CFS patients who regularly use sublingual vitamin B12 tablets and derive noticeable benefits from B12 might be best placed to test this new B12 supplement.
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Senior Member
Right, so I would think the 20 mg of intrinsic factor in this supplement should bind to up to 300 mcg of vitamin B12, and thus facilitate this amount of B12 to be absorbed into the body.

300 mcg is a very good dose of vitamin B12, since it is comparable to the 500 mg to 1,000 mg of vitamin B12 you typically get in B12 injections.

And this product is cheap too: $14 for 60 capsules.

If each capsule provides the equivalent of a 300 mcg injection of vitamin B12 methylcobalamin, ME/CFS patients might only need to take two or three capsules per week.

This could very a useful and convenient B12 product for ME/CFS patients, if each capsule really delivers the equivalent of a 300 mcg methylcobalamin injection.
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Senior Member
It looks like there is a similar intrinsic factor B12 methylcobalamin product here:

Intrinsic Factor with Folate and Vitamin B-12 1000mcg - 120 Capsules $20
TRINFAC-B Intrinsic Factor Vitamin B12 as Methylcobalamin 120 Capsules $17

This product contains 40 mg of intrinsic factor, and 1,000 mg of methylcobalamin, and so each capsule should provide the equivalent of a 600 mcg injection of methylcobalamin.

@dwith an a: You might like to change the title of this thread to something more noticeable, such as:

Vitamin B12 intrinsic factor supplement: as effective as a B12 injection?

You can change the thread title in "Thread Tools" towards the top right of this page.
normal b12 max absorption of 1.5 mcg per 3hrs, at normal 10,000 units hour:

1mcg b12 per 20,000 units IF or 2mg IF.

so maybe 10mcg b12 from 20mg IF.

but its only an estimate.

so as low as 10mcg b12 absorption as a floor?

300mcg a ceiling?

The ingestion of partially purified hog pyloric

extracts over a prolonged period elicits antibody

formation in some subjects. As described in a
preliminary report of these studies (13), the anti-
bodies appear to combine with the intrinsic-factor
portion of hog pyloric material to render the hog
preparations ineffective in promoting vitamin B12
absorption. Unlike the antibodies described by

others, they do not react with human gastric juice,

and this material promotes absorption of vitamin
B12 in refractory patients.


Antibodies that will react with hog pyloric
mucosal extracts have been demonstrated by

means of a hemagglutination technique. These

antibodies do not react with normal human gastric
juice, hog erythrocytes, or hog muscle protein.
They have been found in sera obtained from rab-
bits immunized with an extract of hog pyloric

mucosa, and in sera from certain patients with

pernicious anemia who had become resistant to
oral therapy with hog gastric extracts, but they
have not been found in nonrefractory patients or
in normal subjects.
Human and rabbit sera containing these anti-
bodies, when mixed with hog IF and vitamin B12
and fed to nonrefractory patients with pernicious
anemia, inhibited the absorption of vitamin B12 to

a degree approximately proportional to the in
vitro antibody titer.
The properties of these antibodies are con-

sistent with the hypothesis that they may be
responsible for acquired resistance to oral therapy
with hog gastric material in pernicious anemia.

so...... it works at first.... but in SOME patients antibodies will begin attacking IF from hogs/ rabbits .

the hog/ rabbit Intrisic factor works.... just so do the Pernicious Anemia antibodies of the patients....
On other hand....

The observation that patients treated with crude

hog preparations absorbvitamin B12, but usually

not develop antibodies to hog intrinsic factor



Keep searching, the answer is out there

Did anyone try to supplement with intrinsic factor + B12?

Is it worth testing for autoimmunity against parietal cells?

Any comments in this piece of info from a doctor in Oslo (specializes making his own mineral & vitamin mixes)? He claims that by only injecting B12 you won't properly "feed" the intestinal barrier (villi?), since the blood vessels will not deliver nutrients very well to the innermost layers of the intestines. He claims that these layers get 90% of their nutrients from food, hence we also need to get B12 from food or supplements...
It'l work, they used this porcine intrinsic factor from the 40's-60's until they massed produced b12 more cheaply. If your methylmalonic acid and homocysteine and b12 ( saturated+ect) all test normal then you dont need it though.


Keep searching, the answer is out there
> porcine intrinsic factor

Can you buy it separately? The offerings on Amazon seems to include MethylB12 and MethylFolate, but I already have those from Sanacore (NL). For sublingual.

MMA outside normal first time in 1996. Injections of hydroxycobalamin since 1998. Now once pr month.

Homocystein has been a bit high for many years, between 10 and 12. My doctor has few suggestions. After trying a "Freddd'ish" protocol 1,5 year ago with bad results (got very sick) I hope to try a "Vitamin B protocol" again, inspired by the "H Solution" book (B's, Mg, Zn, TMG) and using Dr Myhill's MMM (multimineral mix). Zeolith for detox, mop up. Not easy to find the right ratios, go slow enough, detox etc. Genetics is MTHFR +/-, several MTRR "errors" etc, but I would say looking at genetics gave few results wrt improving fatigue. Diet changes were more effective; low-carb, sugar-reduced, starch-reduced (SCD), keto, gluten-free (autoimmunity trigger!), milk-free. Adding fiber, veggies, fermented foods, healthy fats. Inspired by Joseph Cohen lately, looking at his "Lectin Avoidance Diet", oxalates, tannins, phytic acid and other anti-nutrients. Sulfate measure high on Quantofix sticks >800, but not sure diets low in thiol or sulfate is the right solution, since we need sulfate (detox, leaky gut++), and oxalates might cause "sulfate dumping" according to some sources (1). Any input on these approaches/ideas are most welcome..

> b12 ( saturated+ect)

"B12 saturated": same as holo-TC?

"B12 ect", what is it?

(1): http://www.beyondmthfr.com/side-high-oxalates-problems-sulfate-b6-gut-methylation


Senior Member
There's a comment on the Amazon link that is interesting:

There's something scary in there, November 10, 2014
Joe A

This review is from: Progressive Labs B-12 Intrinsic Factor Supplement, 60 Count (Health and Beauty)
I took this supplement and within 20 minutes I felt great! Which I liked, but was strange for vitamins. I felt great for the rest of the day, but I couldn't sleep that night, my head was pounding. It turned out that my blood pressure was 170 over 100, a good 15 to 20 points above my normal. It took 3 days for my blood pressure to begin to return to normal.

In addition to Folate, intrinsic factor, and the methylcobalamin form of B-12, there are some active ingredients that are at best a bit gross: 250mg of porcine (pig) stomach, 75mg of porcine (pig) duodenal substance, and 50mg of porcine (pig) pancreatic enzyme concentrate.

If ingredients are as labeled, I guess there must be potent hormones in pig innards, that at least for me act dramatically. I've read that some supplements actually aren't labeled accurately, with some even having prescription drugs inside, and I wonder if this might be one of those cases.

I would avoid this supplement.


Keep searching, the answer is out there
> I would avoid this supplement.

Could this be a plausible explanation for his reactions? Intrinsic factor increased uptake of B12. Pancreatic hormones improved uptake of nutrients. This sudden increase of B12 and nutrients would rev up metabolism, which would again demand many other nutrients...folate, electrolytes, Mg, Zn etc. I have had palpitations & increased pulse from lack of Sodium, Mg and Potassium, especially when I am on a Keto diet.


Senior Member
@echobravo, have you begun a lectin avoidance diet perchance?

I'm embarking on one now, & curious to see how others have done.


> porcine intrinsic factor

Can you buy it separately? The offerings on Amazon seems to include MethylB12 and MethylFolate, but I already have those from Sanacore (NL). For sublingual.

MMA outside normal first time in 1996. Injections of hydroxycobalamin since 1998. Now once pr month.

Homocystein has been a bit high for many years, between 10 and 12. My doctor has few suggestions. After trying a "Freddd'ish" protocol 1,5 year ago with bad results (got very sick) I hope to try a "Vitamin B protocol" again, inspired by the "H Solution" book (B's, Mg, Zn, TMG) and using Dr Myhill's MMM (multimineral mix). Zeolith for detox, mop up. Not easy to find the right ratios, go slow enough, detox etc. Genetics is MTHFR +/-, several MTRR "errors" etc, but I would say looking at genetics gave few results wrt improving fatigue. Diet changes were more effective; low-carb, sugar-reduced, starch-reduced (SCD), keto, gluten-free (autoimmunity trigger!), milk-free. Adding fiber, veggies, fermented foods, healthy fats. Inspired by Joseph Cohen lately, looking at his "Lectin Avoidance Diet", oxalates, tannins, phytic acid and other anti-nutrients. Sulfate measure high on Quantofix sticks >800, but not sure diets low in thiol or sulfate is the right solution, since we need sulfate (detox, leaky gut++), and oxalates might cause "sulfate dumping" according to some sources (1). Any input on these approaches/ideas are most welcome..

> b12 ( saturated+ect)

"B12 saturated": same as holo-TC?

"B12 ect", what is it?

(1): http://www.beyondmthfr.com/side-high-oxalates-problems-sulfate-b6-gut-methylation