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Holistic Health B12 Drops and MethylMate - anyone else had them run out way to early?


Senior Member
I bought these in December and they ran out a little over a week ago. Ive used them as per Rich's protocol, and so according to how much is supposed to be in the bottles, they should have lasted me ages yet. So im pretty frustrated at my treatment coming to a halt before i could get some more in. Im waiting for some similar products from another company to arrive now.

I tried contacting Holistic Health to ask why they think they ran out so much earlier than they should, but i havent had a reply. So, wondering if anyone else has had the same problem as me?



Senior Member
Wetumpka Alabama
No, I did not have that problem. I just shook the bottles and there is quite a bit left. I started them the middle of December. Could you have squeezed more than the 2 and 3 drops? Maybe you got a batch that was not filled properly. I would kept trying to get in touch with them.


Senior Member
No I was very sure to use only the right dose. I'm going to email them again, see if I can get a reply. Interesting ( and worrying ) that I'm not the only one this has happened to though...


Senior Member
Yes, mine ran out crazy-fast. They lasted longer when I put the drops on a tiny spoon, instead of directly under my tongue. Maybe then I have better control over how big the drops are???


Senior Member
Wetumpka Alabama
How long are they suppose to last? I have been using them a month and a half. There is about 1/2 bottle left and a little less in the one that I take 3 drops. So if that is the case three months. I will see. I do take one day off a week from all supplements so that would enter into it as well.

I will have my second test in a couple weeks, I was due in Decemeber but decied to give the new protocol a chance. I have been on the protocol 2 years and three months.

I was one of the ones that got caught in the lab moving and all that so do not have a base line I had the first test a year after starting.

I would let the company know if I were not satisfied. I wonder if it could evaporate in any way, the bottles seem tight and are dark in color.

It is much easier this way after crushing all those tablets for a year.

I will let you know if my next batch is any different and I will let them know.


Senior Member
well i sent them a message through their site - before i emailed the address i got in the order confirmation email, but got no reply.

I told them what had happened, and that at least one other person had reported the same problem. I didnt get a reply, but i did get an email saying that replacements had been dispatched. I suppose they were too busy to specifically reply...have to hope that the replacements last longer i guess.


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Methylmate has glutahione in it. That is a terrible thing for a lot of people, like playing Russan Roulette. It can cause neurological damage.


Senior Member
im not taking it at the moment, since starting your protocol instead. Not noticed anything change yet except those fairly minor things i PM'd you about, but havent got all the stuff yet, so perhaps that is why.

When i initially started Rich's protocol though it did have an effect so, i guess i woudl go back to it, if your protocol didnt work for me, but hopefully once i have all the stuff it will. I havent been on it long enough to know if its working yet anyway really.