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high prolactin post nasal drip??


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)

I vaguely remember that runny nose or post nasal drip can be a sign of high prolactin levels??
I havent had my prolactin levels tested but its quite possible they are high as generally guys with high E2 like me also have high prolactin. Im treating the E2 with arimidex but unsure if this will have a carry over affect to prolactin.

Had a theory or a light bulb moment where i thought maybe this is the cause of my sinusitis. the constant post nasal drip which eventually it gets blocked and then an infection occurrs?? I do improve on antibiotics but crash again once i stop. Maybe its the prolactin and or maybe sinus infection or both but im feeling like crap. post valcyte i was ok and i dont get any viral type symptoms like sore neck glands etc its just all sinus symptoms with facial pain, brain fog, cognitive stuff, post basal drip. and hypertension when im really clogged up with my bp the other day of 155/105 the dyastolic pressure is high and i think what causes alot of the facial pain and headaches, whats interesting is generally alot of sinus treatments like sudafed etc increase blood pressure but when i take it my bp normalises as it reduces the presssure in my sinuses.

So i would like to know if anyone has documented high prolactin that gets post nasal drip and also how they have treated prolactin problem. i have heard that active b6 called p5p can help in doses of 300mg a day. theres also drugs like bromocriptine and dostinex. Bromo is easy to get and cheap.

interested to hear from others,


Senior Member
Hi Heaps...

I remember others talking about high prolactin levels on another thread. When I had a mold exposure, my prolactin levels were high, are you dealing with mold issues in your home? High prolactin is highly associated with toxic mold. Just curious.....just saying....:) I guess it has been nagging me since then, and so now I mention it...:rolleyes:


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Hi Heaps...

I remember others talking about high prolactin levels on another thread. When I had a mold exposure, my prolactin levels were high, are you dealing with mold issues in your home? High prolactin is highly associated with toxic mold. Just curious.....just saying....:) I guess it has been nagging me since then, and so now I mention it...:rolleyes:

Thanks for replying LaurieL, i remember reading that thread on prolactin. Thought i would make another post about it as im searching more for the sinusitis side of things. There seems to be alot of us with sinusitis who cant seem to get rid of it. I think this is looking at it from a different angle. Have u tried to treat/lower your prolactin level? Maybe prolactin is what keeps mold, fungal or even bacterial sinusitis going

I have been tested for fungal sinusitis which was neg and also used antihistamines which dont make a difference other then dry my nose up for awhile so i dont think allergies are a factor. it appears to be bacterial as it improves with antibiotics. Im also neutropenic which leaves me open to bacterial infections unfortunately.

The prolactin thing im looking into it for sinusitis as im trying to think outside the box. I also think i fit the profile for elevated prolactin. From what i have read prolactin increases with age as well as stress and seems to have a negative impact on other hormones. Also if there is a pituitory tumor not only can it directly increase prolactin but can compress on nearby structures like sinuses and can mimick sinus headaches. Many cfs symptoms are similar to prolactinoma, so its something to rule out i guess or it could co-exist with cfs/me.

Also the hpa axis is/can be damaged due to infections so could be a cause of high prolactin. When we call cfs/me a neuro-immune illness, the neuro issues can mostly likely involve the hypothalamus and pituitary gland which control many of these hormones.

I also stumbled onto prolactin when researching bromocriptine, which is a treatment for high prolactin. bromo increases dopamine and also helps increase cortisol levels. It has been used to correct circadian rhthyms when taken in the morning to increase cortisol, which is what i was looking into.

I think the dopamine/prolactin connection is something that cfs/me people could investigate further which could help our many hormonal dysfunctions which are controlled by the hpa axis.

Im going to talk this over with my doc when i see him next and see if i can get prolactin tested?? I have also spoken to him before about bromocriptine to use for energy and sleep rhthyms etc so its on the cards.

Appreciate anyones experience of prolactin and or dopamine agonist treatments.
