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Heavy metal detoxing

Hi all

I am using Epsom salts to metal detox after 6 years ho i had 6 silver fillings removed. I am using a spoonful only of Epsom salts in the bath but The next day I have very very high snxiety and vivid nightmares. Is this normal using so little. My history seems to be repeating on me as I can not use any supplements or minerals as I seem to be getting the same side effect. I waiting for the 23.me test till then I am trying to help.

Thank you so much

Lisa x


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I have a friend who just started using some kind of clay for heavy metal detox. I can't find the email from her but I'll ask her. A dentist in the UK told her to use this before she gets her amalgams removed. I also know someone who is using bentonite clay.

I'll get back to you with the info. It's some kind of drops.



iherb code TAK122
Lisa why not look at Dr My-hills site . I thought using epsom salts was to increase magnesium levels??
I am using zeolite at the moment = well actually having a few days off - I started on 1 drop x 3 a day and could tell something was happening. I still have 3 amalgams to have out. but have high arsenic levels in addition to mercury according to my hair test.
I am very intolerant of stuff as well so understand how it is.

its me:)


Senior Member
West Coast USA
When I first started down this road, I tried the Epsom salt baths and could not figure out why they made me feel so terrible. Racing heart at night, when the whole point was they were supposed to calm you down.

Having moved on to magnesium spray, I think either:
1) I was so toxic even a little magnesium early on was moving metals (detox) and that made me feel crappy
2) I was actually reacting to the chlorine in the bathwater, not the epsom salts.

Regardless I would recommend trying topical a bit of magnesium oil to see if it works better, worse, same.
When I started using it, I would put some on my calves, wait a half hour, then wipe it off. Then go to sleep.
That was enough then.
Now I spray two sprays on each calf, and spray my entire belly, and leave on for sleep. Seems to help me sleep and so far seems to be helping me keep my mag levels up since I am also really intolerant of supplements right now.

Good luck with this.


Senior Member
When I first started down this road, I tried the Epsom salt baths and could not figure out why they made me feel so terrible. Racing heart at night, when the whole point was they were supposed to calm you down.

Having moved on to magnesium spray, I think either:
1) I was so toxic even a little magnesium early on was moving metals (detox) and that made me feel crappy
2) I was actually reacting to the chlorine in the bathwater, not the epsom salts.

Were these warm baths by any chance?


Senior Member
Hi all

I am using Epsom salts to metal detox after 6 years ho i had 6 silver fillings removed. I am using a spoonful only of Epsom salts in the bath but The next day I have very very high snxiety and vivid nightmares. Is this normal using so little. My history seems to be repeating on me as I can not use any supplements or minerals as I seem to be getting the same side effect. I waiting for the 23.me test till then I am trying to help.

Thank you so much

Lisa x

I've never heard of using Epsom salts, magnesium, etc. to remove metals. What it sounds like to me is magnesium overdose symptoms. I've had similar symptoms lately, even from small amounts, when I used to tolerate magnesium supplements fine. This could be due to leaky gut, or at least it is for me. The magnesium leaks in and out of the cells so fast, that you end up alternating between overdose and deficiency symptoms.

Note: you might not get much of the way of deficiency symptoms if you're not methylating very much. The more you methylate, the more magnesium you need, and since it's already leaking out, this causes deficiency symptoms.

Anyway, I've started killing off candida with herbs and the situation is improving.

I don't suggest detoxing metals before having a well functioning detox system.

So first you would need to address the gut with a 4R gut rebuilding program. Even this alone may detox some metals as the bad gut bugs can hold onto metals. After this, you should be able to tolerate supps a lot better. Then start methylation. This will fix the detox pathways, and also start to detox metals. Then if you need more metal detox, do Andrew Cutler's protocol with ALA.
Hi everyone'

Many thanks for all your responses it is greatly appreciated. I was told Epsom salts was good for removing heavy metals as always I have paid a fortune for a practitioner to tell me to take the epsom salts and I have had a reaction and a the praritioner wants another fee to explain why I feel so bad but I can't not afford to pay them each time I have a question as in
Not getting anywhere. but like I mentioned before I have such terrible reactions to absolutely everything I do. I do have to wait for my 23.me test as hopefully this will be able to tell me more. Also I will have a look at healing my gut maybe this could work as i seem to be tolersting probiotic supplement(the only suplement I can take) What seems to be happening I am spending so much money on consultations and supplements only to try hem once and I have anxious reactions to everything then I stop and try something else. I feel I will never be able to heal myself. I have also started having Indian head massages again this gives me a toxic reaction. I feel something is major wrong with the methation cycle or my body is so toxic.
Roll on results for 23.me test.

Many thanks everyone
Lisa x


Senior Member
West Coast USA
They were warm baths, long before I ever had any POST/OI symptops but it might have had some effect that way. Similarly, Caledonia may have a good point about the sulfur issue.


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
MgSO4 does not chelate heavy metals to any extent that I know of. I'd run like hell from anyone who suggests that you can be helped this way. That is not a large dose. While we are all different, I took too much magnesium - IV - oral would be hard to do without setting off a good round of diarrhea. I am not sure what kind of an effort would be needed to overdo it topically. I suspect it would be a full time job though....The symptoms that I had was a general malaise and a significant drop in BP and even more when I stood. I can not do Epson Salts because I do not tolerate the sulphate component. It makes me very tired and not in a good way. It just makes me feel worse.
I am almost finished chelation of mercury. I followed the Cutler Protocol as do those on yahoos FDC site. The chelation of mercury when done right is hard enough and when done wrong can cause irreversible damage. Mercury does not go "quietly into the night", it likes to inflict damage on the way out.
Zeolites, charcoal etc may help manage certain aspects of mercury toxicity. They bind to any mercury from diet or swallowed in saliva if you have fillings. It doesn't do much for what is inhaled from the fillings and is making its way across the BBB. For mercury toxicity is largely a CNS disease. Yes, it impacts liver and other tissues and organs but it is the brain that is at the greatest risk and where the damage is hardest to reverse.
I had 12 fillings most of my life and 11 at the time they were removed. I was also exposed to mercury on the farm where we used it in the orchards.
Here are a couple of important videos. The first is the evidence that finally got the American Dental Association to shut-up that mercury in fillings was inert. The second shows a study that one of my relatives had a small role in. Everyone involved in the Calgary study went out and had their amalgam fillings removed. What more can I say?


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
I take serra/natto and EDTA MRM cardio. is this effective and safe? I didn't get the testing so I don't know my levels

I don't know what serrra/natto is...an antinflammatory (?) The EDTA is a concern. First, no one should use chelators with amalgam fillings in place - but you likely already know this. Dr Boyd Haley is one of the leading experts on mercury toxicity and he found that EDTA bound to mercury made a more toxic compound. I am not a chemist and have not ability to decifer the data even if handed the study that showed this.
What happened to me was that during the DMPS Challenge Test, I was scared when I lost the ability to speak. Didn't last long but left a lasting impression. As I left the office I said to my wife, "I don't know where we are going with this mercury thing but I know that I will not give up control ever again". I used Cutler's Protocol, based on ALA mainly. I made up my own capsules and had total control over the whole process.
There are better choices than EDTA IMHO. ALA crosses the BBB and brings mercury back out. It is the standard against which any other therapy needs to be measured.


Senior Member
serra is anti inflammatory and may dissolve plaques and also natto as well and improve circulation. I read on one site recommending EDTA powder at 5g day? I'm taking 6 pills of MRM cardio EDTA so that's 3.6/gday. there seems to be some risk of kidney damage, leeching out essential minerals
I have acetyl-carnitine/ALA pills and take them for energy and memory. I read ALA can put mercury back into the brain? maybe I should join the Cutler Yahoo group


Senior Member
Powassan, Ontario
I may not be the best one to advise you as you and I seem to be on different paths. What you are doing with the carnitine and ALA would have messed me up good. If you are tolerating this it makes me wonder how much mercury you have on board in the first place. You might be one of the lucky ones who can excrete mercury, though there are few people like that on this site. You might be totally OK with EDTA in that case as well.
Some people can excrete mercury fine. My levels were 35x what my wife's were.
Jan 2009 I took ALA incorrectly and took a giant step back. Carnitine and Q10 were both no-no's for me and I don't know whether my glutathione levels were just too low to support the extra production of superoxide or if my AdB12 was too low, or both.
How do you feel anyway? Guess I should have asked that....


Senior Member
it seems to be ok the ALCAR+ALA, but there may be diminishing returns with these nootropics. I am so foggy some days I can't do math and exhausted still even on 5 litres/oxygen and the ventilator, asv machine. the problem was my ventilator settings are wrong so I still haven't been able to rest or sleep normally for 5 years
I also have bad IBS and feel nauseous and foggy from that-the gut releases NTs when inflamed. I can't even study math like I used to because of lack of energy and memory/learning problems.

I'm taking EDTA, some site said 5g/day seems high-I take it at 3.6g to prevent heart disease since I have bad EKGs showing right bundle block and enlarged atrium.


Senior Member
I think it may have been ok or foggy? I took 2 pills ALA for diabetes but it only seemed to help glucose. I don't know I had dramatic improvement in clarity and concentration with maybe NAC, phosphitadylcholine, phosphitadylinositol, maybe sam-E or ACLAR?