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Freddd Protocol- MCS/EHS


Senior Member
Hi all,

New here. Very grateful for such a awesome forum.

I suffer from CFS, MCS, and EHS. MCS is Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and EHS is electromagnetic sensitivity.

Has anyone experienced any relief from MCS or EHS with the Freddd protocol?

Very curious to here your responses. Thank you :)


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
I didn't have MCS, but was extremely sensitive to smells, eg. laundry aisle in supermarket. As well as extreme sound and light sensitivity, and neurological symptoms. All these were largely resolved once I'd gotten up my B12 doses. I'm still sensitive to light and sound, especially when I'm in any way stressed, but now it's mild. Good luck.


Senior Member
I didn't have MCS, but was extremely sensitive to smells, eg. laundry aisle in supermarket. As well as extreme sound and light sensitivity, and neurological symptoms. All these were largely resolved once I'd gotten up my B12 doses. I'm still sensitive to light and sound, especially when I'm in any way stressed, but now it's mild. Good luck.

At what doses did you see those symptoms lifting?



Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
At what doses did you see those symptoms lifting?

I can't remember at this point. And what I needed may not be what you need. At my max, I was taking 25-30mg/day, sublingual. After some time, including detox efforts, was able to decrease both folate and B12. I'm currently only taking 5mg/day, transdermal. I have no symptoms, but will try increasing my doses to see if I get any further gains in energy.